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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Reasonable precautions. Ranting about closing US Borders not so reasonable.
  2. You are letting the fear and angst you’ve been fed get the better of you.
  3. For perhaps the 8th time of asking, if you are dishing out honors where can I get my badge?
  4. And many of those people were not Israeli or Jewish. Hamas attacked whatever and whoever were unfortunate to be in range of their randomly aimed rockets and let out of control forces.
  5. Just because you can make up some utter nonsense doesn’t mean anyone, let alone the President of the US, needs to apologize for anything whatsoever. Well, maybe your parents….
  6. This might be informative: https://theconversation.com/antisemitism-isnt-just-jew-hatred-its-anti-jewish-racism-193614
  7. Can you tell us which ‘elements of the left’ invade Israel this week? And can you please provide examples of anyone at all in this thread supporting the atrocities you referred to: Who in this thread has justified that Jonny?
  8. It’s got nothing to do with ‘the Left’ Jonny, or the Nazis. The suffering of the people who have been subjected to atrocities is not a stick handed to you to go off on one of your customary anti left rants. Their suffering is not your political capital, and absolutely no one here is justifying or defending these atrocities.
  9. Is anyone in this thread justifying that atrocity? Point them out I’ll join you in condemning their support.
  10. No I don’t But there are a number of posts in this thread calling for that. I’m pointing out the hate driven absurdity.
  11. It’s not simply the hyperbole nonsense that ‘Israel intends to flatten Gaza’, there are numerous posts calling for that, and the mass killing of Palestinians, in some cases referred to as ‘animals’.
  12. You should send it to the forum administrators and ask for them to open a tread on the subject. Though ‘Spiked’ might not make the ‘reliable news source’ grade.
  13. I guess ‘lefties’ critical of Hamas and supportive of Israeli right to defense/respond to the Hamas attack with force in this thread doesn’t fit your agenda so you drag up some Koch funded rightwing propaganda. Spiked! For goodness sake Jonny, did you imagine your ‘Spiked’ nonsense was addressing comments by anyone in this thread? Or was it just random anti left stuff you had to hand?
  14. And in the meantime we don’t see anything related to this thread.
  15. You’ve let the ‘southern border’ angst and fear you’ve been fed get the better of you. The clue is in it randomly popping out of your head regardless of the subject in the thread you are responding to.
  16. And there are ‘Lefties’ here doing nothing of the sort.
  17. The same accusations are turning up here. Oh well.
  18. Who said reality couldn’t get through to him. He’s now admitting he’s not the President.
  19. I very much doubt Israel will mount a ground offensive. The first, rational, question to ask is did Hamas plan this with intent to provoke a ground offensive? Israeli Intelligence failed to detect the planned attack and/or the military leadership failed to understand the available intelligence. The next question to ask is what is Hamas’ state of readiness for the Israeli response. Israeli Intelligence have demonstrably failed once, only idiocy or desperation would plan a ground offensive under conditions of failed Intelligence. Of course Netanyahu might be both, or simply desperate to do something. The families of Israeli Military personnel are surely hoping clearer heads are in command.
  20. And nothing forced Hamas to make this attack which they absolutely know will result in an Israeli response that will cost the lives of Palestinians. There are no indications Hamas acts in any sense for the interests of the Palestinians. Hamas made a plan of attack in which the lives of Palestinians that will be lost are expendable to that plan. I doubt they even did the math.
  21. Perhaps there’s a reason for your failure to comprehend my post. It and I do not imply even in the slightest that Netanyahu is in anyway responsible for this Hamas attack on Israel. Nor does my post nor I in anyway support Palestine, or Hamas for that matter. ‘Extreme leftist’? ’More antisemitism from the left’? I’ll be kind Jonny. Perhaps you were intending to respond to another post and another member, mistakes in quoting do happen. Misreading and misrepresentation of posts and members expressed views happens too, occasionally by mistake.
  22. And if your string of assumptions are as false as they are baseless, the entirety of your argument evaporates.
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