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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Because that’s how the Republican’s like it. They never had the votes to cause a shutdown, but they need the theatre. Drama queens one and all.
  2. Perhaps Vivek and others suffering transphobia are projecting. Phobias are definitely classed as mental illness, so people suffering transphobia projecting their mental illness into accusing the objects of their phobia of being mentally ill. It all turns out to be one of this accusation confession things. Refer examples above.
  3. Correct. Likewise the Government reports foreign trade inclusive of inflation. So a 10% inflation rate will result in a 10% increase in trade value without any change in trade volume.
  4. Sophistry again. Plenty of overt hatred being spewed in this thread, I don’t feel I need to direct you to it.
  5. I don’t particularly like Vivek, but I think you are going a bit over the top there. He’s not quite that bad.
  6. I can think of a few more important issues in this thread. They overt hatred expressed by some members being an example. But hey-ho, let’s argue about semantics.
  7. A bit of transphobic baiting right there in plain sight.
  8. It’s not the mind of the victim that determines the thoughts of the aggressor. I very much doubt there are many people exhibiting transphobia who are not also homophobic. I agree with the author here, ‘homophobia and transphobia are inextricably linked’. https://www.economist.com/open-future/2018/07/13/transphobia-and-homophobia-are-inextricably-linked
  9. Well done. Now how about your views on Feinstein remaining in her position at the Judiciary Committee because the Republicans had specifically stated they would block her replacement if she stepped down? https://www.npr.org/2023/04/18/1170624504/mcconnell-says-republicans-will-block-effort-to-replace-feinstein-on-judiciary-p
  10. And the links demonstrating torture does work? I say Feinstein was absolutely right challenging the CIA on this ineffectual barbarity, though of course the barbarity appeals to some.
  11. But I didn’t link to Wikipedia as evidence that CIA torture isn’t effective. I linked to an Wikipedia article on a Nazi interrogator who is recognized for the effectiveness of his methods that did not include torture. The Wikipedia article also includes references to the impact of his methods on modern interrogation techniques.
  12. Many societies have already drawn the line. Directing hatred against others is illegal in many societies.
  13. Pure unadulterated hatred. But like so many other cases of hate, the question arises what’s driving it?
  14. Their mailing list will make interesting reading. Especially if cross referenced to the immigration police records.
  15. She continued in her position on the Senate Judiciary Committee where she enabled Biden via her vote to appoint Federal Judges. She continued despite health issues because, and only because, Republicans had stated categorically that if she stepped down they would block her replacement. When she didn’t give the Republicans the chance to do so, they attacked her with their usual bag of directed hatred. We will now witness the Republicans doing they only thing they know how to do, block and frustrate the elected administration.
  16. Reaches for Venn diagram. In the yellow circle People who hate people who are transgender. In the blue circle people who hate gay people. Now is there an overlap?
  17. That is of course a question. But once the dominoes start to topple they progress along up the line.
  18. Maybe giving out over a &Trillion in tax breaks to the hyper wealthy wasn’t such a good idea after-all. Isolationism never has been and always comes with extreme long term costs.
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