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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Well it is the world News Sub-Forum. And no, life expectancy in populations is not simply a matter of individuals taking care of themselves. The Romans drained swamps and removed Malaria as a seasonal killer in Rome. Victorian Liverpool installed sewage systems and potable water distribution and in doing so removed cholera and typhoid from their city. Vaccinations have saved countless lives while the availability of affordable porcelain alone removed the cause of disease that killed relentlessly. Diseases that impact at the societal level require societal level cures.
  2. Since you read about this you must have a link or a reference we can all refer to?
  3. Habit, fear induced by leading politicians stigmatizing Transgenderism as a mental health disorder. Who knows? Feel free to do a survey.
  4. No it would not. It would suggest, and this isn’t a a surprise, that people hide their personal feelings under influence of social pressures,
  5. Or does it mean that a proportion of trans adults were forced into denial by social mores during their lifetime?
  6. Perhaps, but I have myself stated that while I disagree with you on many things I have expressed my agreement with you well informed posts in this thread. I think I even thanked you for your comments. Sadly the US Alt-Right have chosen to make Transgenderism a wedge issue. It’s a deliberate political gameplay to cause the precise two on team/off team dynamics that you refer to
  7. The individual whose comments are the subject of the OP is a candidate for the US Presidency making ill informed (almost certainly deliberately ill informed) remarks on transgenderism during political debate between himself and other candidates for the US Presidency. While I wholeheartedly agree with your comments refuting the ill informed comments on the causes of Transgenderism, the Republican Party and Republican Candidates for the presidency have placed Transgenderism, treatment and rights relating to Transgenderism squarely in the middle of the political debates that surrounds the up coming election. The issue is absolutely a matter of politics. I agree it ought not to be, but it undeniably is. I note too it has crossed into UK politics with PM Sunak making his own unhelpful and ill informed comments.
  8. I think Larry is taking his arrest seriously, or least he should be if he’s still sufficiently connected to reality.
  9. Which is precisely what the Democrats are doing. Pay less attention to those polls.
  10. Of course, he’s a coward. Cohen stood up to him, Trump folded.
  11. Which is precisely why I never provide any verifiable personal information on this forum and object to others attempting to discuss their assumptions on my personal information.
  12. Will this do: Or perhaps you really don’t understand this: “Laurance Fox Arrested” And would rather talk about anything other than Larry the rightwing poster boy getting arrested. He just can’t stay out of the news these days.
  13. Cross the Atlantic for some off topic irrelevant distraction.
  14. There is no ‘transindustry’ there are rightwing g politicians baiting transphobia. Not that they’d ever do that to make money or garner the votes evangelicals.
  15. You might for once be correct: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/why-is-the-gop-escalating-attacks-on-trans-rights-experts-say-the-goal-is-to-make-sure-evangelicals-vote
  16. She’s moved out of an office she’s nolonger entitled to use, because it now goes to McCarthy, the first speaker of the house to ever be ousted from office.
  17. “Interim House Speaker 'evicts' two senior Democrats from Capitol” Give it your best shot Jonny.
  18. Those who trust more to planning than to luck are expecting likewise.
  19. Can you point out where anyone in this thread has even mentioned race, before you tried to wedge it into the discussion?
  20. Trump is indeed a treat to national security: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/06/donald-trump-us-nuclear-submarines-potentially-sensitive-information-australian-billionaire-anthony-pratt
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