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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Proxy war? You mean the illegal invasion of a sovereign nation by Russia?! Ukrainian patriots will fight for their country , Putin shills are happy to argue they should be sent to the front without weapons and ammunition.
  2. That’s not the only question Jonny. Comer has spent months digging and produced zero evidence. The first question is therefore where’s your evidence Comer? Of course you might wish to believe Republicans have this evidence and are hiding it to protect Biden. Elsewhere you are complaining that others are making judgments without having seen evidence. Pause a while and think about that.
  3. I support the charity ‘Soldiers off the Streets’. Do you think I should stop making my monthly donation because I’m not actually housing a homeless soldier myself?
  4. The proof of life form is standard for all UK occupational pensions and arises from the legal duties on the pension Trustees to manage the pension and guard against fraud. Receiving the of roof of life form by regular mail can be problematic, but not necessarily a fault of the Thai Post Office. My advice is: Request the forms to be sent to you by email then complete and return by Thailand Post Office EMS service, which you can track and trace. Your proof of life form might require a witness signature who is not a relative. I would recommend Public Notary, Condominium Manager, Lawyer, Village Head or Licensed Professionals, preferably someone who can add an official stamp/seal or professional license number. Keep copies for your records. Of course the ideal solution would be emailing the documents in both directions but this may not be acceptable where hard signatures are required.
  5. I disagree with you on many things, but on this post I agree entirely and thank you for making the clear argument you have laid out. The only way any of us perceive anything at all is through our brains. I wonder how constantly distressing it must be for of a person to experience their brain perceiving their gender to be diametrically opposed to that of their body. And then to have their most personal experience of life turned into a political game play. Where on earth has some folk’s humanity gone?!
  6. Both impeachments passed Congress and still stand. Otherwise why would Trump’s lickspittles in the GOP seek to expunge the impeachments. What doesn’t exist can’t be expunged.
  7. Rand has form: "So I repeat again - the senator from Kentucky is now working for Vladimir Putin," https://www.newsweek.com/john-mccain-warning-rand-paul-vladimir-putin-ukraine-vote-1706301 And: https://www.salon.com/2022/04/26/rand-paul-goes-to-bat-for-putin-the-countries-theyve-attacked-were-part-of-russia/ And: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/26/us/politics/rand-paul-president-trump-russia.html
  8. It isn’t an impeachment inquiry and can not be unless voted on and approved to be so by Congress. Its Republican Political Hackery. A circus for an audience of one.
  9. Paul Rand doing Putin’s bidding. Shout it loud. ’Russia Hoax’ Shout it again!
  10. The matter is examined here: https://www.justice.gov.uk/downloads/publications/research-and-analysis/moj-research/anonymity-rape-research-report.pdf
  11. What evidence? There isn’t even an impeachment inquiry’. It’s a Republican Political Hackery Circus.
  12. We’ve had that correction already. Though while I’ve not done the Venn diagram, I suspect a considerable overlap.
  13. Statements by political hacks are not evidence of anything other than sordid political hackery.
  14. The Impeachment Inquiry is a lie, it isn’t an impeachment inquiry and can’t be unless voted on and approved by Congress. No such vote has taken place nor will it. https://www.justice.gov/d9/opinions/attachments/2020/01/20/2020-01-19-impeach-invest.pdf
  15. I think it’s a matter for the medical profession and parents to deal with. Not a matter for failing alt-right politicians to use in an attempt to gain some relevance. As you say there were children in your grade school who were on the gender spectrum, there always have been there always will be. These kids are in schools up and down the country right now and they are being used as political pawns by the Alt-Right. Patient se for a moment and ask yourself how this political posturing is impacting those kids. ‘Rock on Vivek!’ you say, cheering on his politicizing kids living extremely difficult lives while undoubtedly putting those kids at the center of Alt-right culture wars. The cynicism and hypocrisy disgusts me.
  16. As a father and a husband I much prefer information of who is accused of serious sex crimes not to be kept secret. If it came to a choice between that meaning I was identified despite being innocent or a member of my family being left at risk or worse because a suspect’s reputation has been protected, I’ll take my own risk above any to members of my family. Brand is English, he lives in England. In parents have a right to know if someone is accused of heinous crimes, victims have a right to know if someone has nee accused of heinous crimes. There is no law to protect Brand’s reputation from knowledge of these accusations, that’s a trade off but protecting people against sex offenders is far more important than protecting people against being identified as a suspect. Free speech and all that. Do I agree that their should be consequences for people and media making a direct accusation of Brand being a rapist, yes I do, but that cannot be used to protect anyone against accusations by victims.
  17. Go back and answer the question I asked you. Or maybe you really would not want to know that someone accused of serious sex crimes was living next door to you or teaching your kids until the police decide whether or not to charge. Difficult as that is to believe, it is a remote possibility.
  18. Why does anyone need to teach any kids that in Thailand. They see transgender people in every part of their daily life. Friends at school who are transgender, people in shops and business are transgender, TV personalities who are transgender, Transgender people are common and widely accepted in Thailand, children of all ages encounter them just as the rest of us encounter transgender people in our daily lives.
  19. But I’m guessing if your neighbor or a teacher of your children were accused of sex crimes you would want to be informed as soon as the allegations came to light.
  20. What ‘insidious nonsense’ Transgenderism is widely accepted in Thailand. There is no ‘insidious nonsense’.
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