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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I’ve been in a number of Thai schools, I assure you transgender pupils are openly present. If you live in Thailand and are not aware of this I suggest you open your eyes.
  2. Let’s just nail down this ‘anonymity for those accused but not charged with sex offenses’. So if allegations of serious sexual offenses are made against your next door neighbor or a teacher of your children do you: A. Want to be informed as soon as the allegations are notified to the police, B. Happy to take the risk and wait until formal charges are brought. And If you want to be informed as soon as allegations are informed to the police, would you accept being gagged by the law from telling other neighbors/parents?
  3. You might want to look up the history of transgenders in Thailand, it goes back way before 100 years ago.
  4. The logic of my observation does not relate to any trial or guilty verdict. I chose my words with care.
  5. Ask yourself this question. You run a business, a customer is accused of heinous crimes and wants to use your business as a platform from which to broadcast their defense (rational or otherwise). Do you allow this customer to do so or do you suspend their use of your business platform and tell them to come back when it’s all sorted? Your business, your choice.
  6. Get yourself to an end of school year review in Thailand and come back and tell me what you witnessed. Transgender kids are present and openly present in schools throughout Thailand.
  7. Or profit from crime. I’m sure he can bring a civil case if he feels he’s being unjustly treated.
  8. I read that as ‘women haters trying to control them [them being the women they hate].
  9. Thankfully that’s not the law that applies in England, and therefore sex offenders in England can’t hide behind a cloak of anonymity. Though I do accept that it’s probably a good thing in the eyes of certain organizations in the North of Ireland.
  10. So a serial offender, as sex offenders often are, can avoid any of their victims being aware of an investigation other than the single victim filing a report. Pointless in this case anyway since the press were on the allegations before the police were informed. Oh, but you want to silence the press?
  11. If your vantage point is Thailand, I suggest you look around you and open your eyes while doing so.
  12. And then they switch on the TV/Internet and see the hatred. Vivek (pump and dump) Ramaswamy is baiting hatred of transgender people for his own political objectives. He’s got a problem, all the other Alt-Right hate mongers are doing likewise. It’s a race to the bottom, who amongst them dare be the most rabid?! It’s a dog whistle that has an audience, but you knew that.
  13. You are confusing psychological with mental health. Heaping hatred on people almost certainly will give rise to a deterioration in the latter.
  14. But it’s singling out a particular minority race, when the facts are that minority race are not the main perpetrators, it is therefore baiting race and plays well to a particular audience! https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-65174096#:~:text="Research has found that group,offenders are most commonly white."
  15. That’s what happens when one seeks notoriety and court controversy. But it’s a leap into the evidence lacking void to claim he’s being targeted for his views.
  16. I agree, failing rightwing politicians desperately seeking relevance by trying to out do each other in the homophobia stakes isn’t an acceptable compass for broader society to follow.
  17. Vivek isn’t going to be encroaching on the White House any time soon, his dog whistle to the homophobes isn’t going to get him anywhere nearer either. He should stick ‘pump and dump’.
  18. “GB News has suspended the presenters Dan Wootton and Laurence Fox as the channel struggles to contain the fallout after misogynistic comments made on Wootton’s show.” https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/sep/27/gb-news-suspends-dan-wootton-after-laurence-foxs-remarks-on-show
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