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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. the salient point is GB news, rightwing self proclaimed home of free speech has just canceled Laurence Fox, not a lefty in sight.
  2. Kind of misses the fact so many mass shooters are on a ‘suicide by cop’ and/or murder suicide trip. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/279161473_Murder-suicide_Bridging_the_gap_between_mass_murder_amok_and_suicide
  3. The alt-right candidates all fighting over the same rot. People who are not Vivek (pump and dump) Ramaswamy’s mum might consider his believing he is a viable candidate is a mental health disorder. https://fortune.com/2023/08/31/smoke-mirrors-debate-vivek-ramaswamy-2-year-diversionary-tactics-business-commentary-sonnenfeld/amp/
  4. All of a sudden I’m the target of your attempt to avoid accepting the fact that rightwing GB News, self proclaimed home of free speech has cancelled Laurence Fox. You could simply accept that your statement “Funny how the cancellers are always left leaning.” is demonstrably incorrect.
  5. Except when it’s that bastion of ‘Free Speech’ GB News: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66940513.amp
  6. How can an accuser be ‘fair minded’ and why would they even be expected to be ‘fair minded’. They are accusers, alleged victims. For the record, I don’t expect the accused to be ‘fair minded’ either.
  7. But not always. Evidence, testimony from civil cases can and often does get used in following criminal cases. A smart prosecutor can use this to their advantage, a smart respondent to a civil case may choose not to contest the case due to the risk of exposing themselves to criminal prosecution.
  8. I didn’t put words in your mouth. I’ve simply suggested being fare minded towards both Brand and his accusers, let the court and the Jury decide. No need to introduce conspiracies, they add absolutely nothing.
  9. He’s clearly trying to wind up the violent few on the extreme right. One dog whistle after another. Hopefully the long jail sentences being handed out by those who did his violent bidding on J6 will give others pause for thought.
  10. I don’t think it’s an either or. I believe Donald Trump will spend the rest of his life fighting court battles. With a bit of luck attending court will be a chance for him to get out of his cell, if so, I expect an end to his delaying tactics.
  11. If I express an opinion on a matter, then you are free to state that is what I believe. If I haven’t expressed an opinion on a matter your statements on what I believe wrt that matter are baseless, worse still assigning views to me that I’ve not myself expressed. A bit of a habit of yours.
  12. Holding a insurrectionist President and his enablers accountable for their crimes is far more important than Trump’s financial crimes. If Trump and his enablers are not held accountable for trying to overthrow an election, ANOther President will eventually try and succeed. There is a direct line between letting Nixon off for his crimes and Trump believing a President is above the law. This needs sorting now,
  13. It’s very possible to hold the opinion that Russell Brand and his accusers deserve to have their case judged by a jury in a court of law. To not regard Russell Brand guilty, or his accusers liars, And to discard conspiracies for what they are. You should try it.
  14. Trump doesn’t need to do any of that. The court will liquidate Trump’s NY businesses and my bet that will result in the rest folding with no help from anyone.
  15. The answer to who will replace this failing Tory Government will be announced at the election. You know that, or at least I assume you know that.
  16. OK let’s engage in some fantasy. How does this fit? Russell Brand looks back on his past life, even writes a book on it, he’s not proud but he thinks it’s all in the past. Then the wind changes, #metoo shows up, Brand at first states his support for the movement, but shortly after swings right and into conspiracy land, particularly focusing on conspiracy accusations directed at the press and mainstream media. Listen to Brand, he’s not stupid, he knows how to play his audience. Perhaps the reason why his first response was two fold, a reasonably expected denial from which no judgement should be made, followed by launching into ‘the press and media’ are trying to silence me. A defense he pulled out so effortlessly. To use your term ‘suspiciously’ easy. Now a question. Which is more plausible. A. The full spectrum of the UK’s press and media from left to right acted in coordinated unison to bring down Brand? Or B. Brand saw this coming and set up a narrative of him being a victim, better still, martyr to media conspiracy he himself alleges and which has been central to his messaging since he made his sudden swerve right? Brand is doing what that other malignant narcissist is doing, trying to convince his followers they can’t trust the press, can’t trust the Justice system. Its all rigged and bent, don’t trust any of it. Trust Brand.
  17. So Trump’s wealth is reported at $2.5Billion. Q1. Then why is he begging his supporters for money to pay his legal fee. Q2. Why does he need to use a bail bondsman to raise $200K bail? Q3. Are you going to stick around to discuss what happens when Trump has to find the $250 Million penalties for this case? I have a bridge I want to sell.
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