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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Perhaps it does, but then economics might not be your strong point. https://www.economist.com/britain/2022/06/09/britains-productivity-problem-is-long-standing-and-getting-worse?utm_medium=cpc.adword.pd&utm_source=google&ppccampaignID=18156330227&ppcadID=&utm_campaign=a.22brand_pmax&utm_content=conversion.direct-response.anonymous&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4LGwgqyQgQMVUhKDAx0u2wEOEAAYASAAEgJn-vD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  2. Putting aside the fact the UK is a nation of mixed cultures and languages and has been for centuries of recorded history, Welsh, Irish, Scotts and their respective languages. The UK has for centuries been home to numerous diasporas, European Jews, and the Huguenots being two example. https://jewishmuseum.org.uk/schools/asset/interns-choice-the-jewish-naturalisation-act-1753/ https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10146427/1/PhD Whole 4.5 (1).pdf https://www.museumoflondon.org.uk/discover/languages-london Always a pleasure to provide a teaching lesson for a ‘teacher’. Please get back to me with a quotation of me stating immigrants to the UK spoke their own language ‘all the time’. If you can’t produce evidence of me making such a claim I’ll accept you made it up.
  3. If you are going to base an argument on the ‘strength of the British economy’ then you might want to include the measure of economic performance that determine its long term health ‘productivity’: https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02791/
  4. Here’s a link for you, enjoy: https://www.newstatesman.com/culture/2018/08/how-second-world-war-made-britain-multicultural
  5. There’s no such thing as ‘zero chance’. Your unsupported assertions of EU ‘punishing’ the UK is noted.
  6. Immigrant communities have existed in the UK for centuries and have always spoken their own languages. I was at a BBQ party last week, most of the twenty people attending were speaking Thai. There’s nothing new in any of this.
  7. There was no ‘dream of creating a multi cultural society’. The UK is a multi cultural society and has been for decades before the EU appeared.
  8. So you admit to being persuadable by political considerations and project that weakness on others.
  9. To answer the question ‘what is it?’ Fabricated propaganda nonsense.
  10. The point to consider is who will be the Republican candidate if the GOP ever regains its sanity. The Democrats will then field a candidate to challenge the Republican offering, Of course the GOP regaining sanity before candidate selection is a bit of a stretch.
  11. Beyond the timing being determined by judicial process and somewhat delayed by attempts by Trump associates to avoid giving evidence, do care to explain why the timings are, as you claim, ‘not accidental’?
  12. Pelosi? Where did that come from? There’s a reason why you don’t call 290 million relatively minor, it’s because you don’t understand hyper wealth and the control the hyper wealthy have over US politics.
  13. You start with the false premise of a weaponized DoJ and then wander into pure conspiracy laced speculation.
  14. It’s not the relatively minor wealth of politicians that is distorting US politics, it’s the open door given to the hyper wealthy to buy control over policies. Its well past time to get rid of the perversely named ‘Citizens United’.
  15. “I think what my book does is shows that he is somebody who, for whom — he’s buried in details. He’s somebody who is very technocratic, really obsessed with the intricacies of policy. He’s a very activist president in that he micromanages a lot of the dealings in the White House” Feel free to ignore that if it’s at odds with your idea of ‘sleepy Joe’.
  16. They can send who they like, I doubt they have anyone as politically savvy as Moscow Mitch. The GOP are now well and truly under the control of the Alt-Right loons, it’s going to get a lot worse before it can return to being a party with any positive policies to present to America.
  17. Please forgive me for providing an example that demonstrates the point that many people have insufficient income to cover their basic needs.
  18. But if one’s income is below that needed to cover one’s basic needs? Shouldn't be too hard for someone who tells us he has ‘care work’ experience, to work out. Given many people receiving Government funded care packages do not have sufficient income to fund the care they receive.
  19. I cycle raced on the Monaco F1 circuit in the 1980s. I criterium that was held in the week before the F1 race.
  20. Did he say he doesn’t. Sympathy for those ensnared by criminal gangs and sympathy for the victims of scams perpetrated by criminal gangs are not mutually exclusive.
  21. Well of course, but what about all the other people struggling on low pay who do none of these things?
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