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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. That’s what the trials are about, and Trump is going to trial, multiple times. You remember his cry ‘Lock her up’. I do too, but I like trials before juries. This one is going to be most enjoyable.
  2. Are these the people asking for evidence of why the charges against Trump are false? Or you making one of those accusations confession things. Some people seem intent on Trump never facing trial for allegations handed down by Grand Juries on the basis of their own political views.
  3. My punt is Munchausen by Proxy. While Letby’s lawyers did not make a mental illness defense, she will almost certainly be subjected to mental health review while in prison.
  4. No, Carlson is simply indulging the sense of victimization and grievance that defines Trump and his supporters.
  5. Check out his biography sales, a complete flop. So he’s now jumping the shark with this nonsense. Carlson is a has been.
  6. It seems there are questions to be answered relating to possible charges of corporate manslaughter. I certainly not in favour of burying that. It seems both the Independent and the Daily Mail agree on this.
  7. Unwarranted allegation of ‘political bun fighting’. I’m all in favour of a criminal investigation of the hospital administrators, no need to waste time with Government involvement, go straight to the police, CPS and courts.
  8. Here’s the Daily Mail reporting the same calls for corporate manslaughter charges: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12425861/amp/NHS-bosses-failed-stop-Lucy-Letby-Doctor-calls-hospital-executives-grossly-negligent.html
  9. Refer top of thread, you’ll find I’m not the topic of discussion.
  10. Did I say you had? There are calls for the hospital administrators to face criminal investigation for corporate manslaughter. https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/lucy-letby-murder-hospital-manslaughter-b2396472.html
  11. There is no need for Government to be involved in a simple criminal investigation of corporate manslaughter.
  12. Nothing to do with #Believeallwomen, or indeed #BelieveWomen.
  13. McCarthy has to do as he is told by the lunatics on the GOP, they changed the rules to allow a single objection vote to initiate a vote to remove the speaker. He’s being jerked around and can’t do anything to avoid it. A mess if the GOP’s own making.
  14. It’s looking like another example of stochastic terrorism: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-stochastic-terrorism-uses-disgust-to-incite-violence/?amp=true
  15. McCarty and Republicans in the house could do a lot of things. If they got off their ‘distraction bus’ they could do something positive for America.
  16. And here are the decision makers along with the decisions they made: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/aug/22/lucy-letby-who-ran-the-hospital-she-worked-at-and-where-are-they-now
  17. There’s a lot of effort being made in this thread to put blame on the left wing of the political spectrum. Reporting I have read gives no indication that leftwing politics motivated the killer. I look forward to hearing what motivated him.
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