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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Do you have evidence that people on low incomes unable to meet their basic needs are ‘overspending’.
  2. No they are not, They are determined by the gap between income and expenditure. Millions don’t earn enough to cover basic and essential needs.
  3. My nationality is not the topic of discussion. Deal with my arguments if you are able.
  4. What was the price multiple between your 1980s salary and 1980s house? Mine was 2.5. Within 8 months after graduation I had saved the 15% deposit and could afford a mortgage on my first home. My kids are looking at 5 or more years to be able to get near a mortgage and they are working in well paid professions, earning well above the average of their age cohort. Now add in work place pensions, available to most working people in the 80s, and many having gold plated final salary schemes, opportunities that very few enjoy in 2023. The means of wealth accumulation have been stripped out from under working people and pushed up to the already wealthy. Trickle down economics was a lie, it was always a lie.
  5. Bringing jobs home, infrastructure investment that is is creating well paid jobs across America….
  6. Obviously not. This is a discussion forum. Not a photo sharing platform.
  7. Oh look, now you found a photo of some guy dancing. The simple test was obviously a struggle.
  8. Tax the rich again, like they did the last time the country was booming and working people had good incomes and a chance for a secure old age.
  9. Here’s a simple test. Does the person agree to being kissed? If not it’s wrong, regardless of who is involved. Finding someone who does not object to being kissed is not any kind of argument against someone else objecting to having been kissed. It’s not about your problems with ‘desired equality’.
  10. Talk about some Jockey because you can’t deal with the woman in the topic objecting to be kissed. #stokeyourownoutrage.
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