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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Odd thing to say given my post and others I have made in this thread call out clear bias. I look forward to hearing what motivated the killer. I suspect it wasn’t simply a matter of being upset at seeing an LGBTQ+ flag.
  2. Do you have evidence that the killer was motivated by religious beliefs?
  3. My punt is he doesn’t want to put his cognitive decline on full display.
  4. Tacitus makes reference to the execution of Jesus under Pontius Pilate. So there’s one bible story with independent non religious verification.
  5. No, tge discussion here is a store keeper being killed for displaying an LGBTQ+ flag. Big hints in the OP.
  6. I’m doing nothing if the sort. I’m calling off topic obfuscation.
  7. Getting killed over an LGBTQ+ flag. It seems that point got passed you?
  8. putting aside your attempt to insert some off topic nonsense about a fictional British flag in the UK, we’re you not arguing that LGBTQ+ issues have become vitriolic, offense to certain groups etc If so how have now switched to this flag being ‘innocuous’?
  9. There’s a fair bit of bigoted conjecture about a particular minority group being a possible source of attacks. And not from this side of the room.
  10. What in earth have ridiculous claims about flying British flags in the UK got to do with the topic under discussion?
  11. The difference is the killing of the shop keeper for displaying a pride flag actually happened. Your dreamed up Antifa parade false equivalence did not.
  12. Firstly you absolutely did engage in victim blaming, I suggest you read up what victim blaming is and how it presents. Now you clai to have spotted a strawman while immediately following your declared discovery with the wild false equivalence between a business owner displaying a flag at their own business premises and some Trump supporter displaying their MAGA credentials at an Antifa rally. What a mess.
  13. So why bang on about Muslims and Muslim countries? You chose to insert these into the discussion. One might be forgiven for thinking you were engaging in baseless pejorative.
  14. The war between Russia and Ukraine is real, no proxy about it. Although Russia seems not to like referring to it as a war.
  15. Not at all, you have engaged in victim blaming, you have engaged on obfuscation and you have alleged a conspiracy. Your post is several paragraphs long, so you did put a bit of effort into doom, therefore not at all lazy.
  16. Do you have evidence that the killer was a Muslim and if not then why are you banging on about Muslims and Muslim countries?
  17. Victim blaming, obfuscation and conspiracy nonsense all in one post.
  18. The article refers to ‘European Diplomats’, specifically mentions ‘European Defense’ and ‘Ukraine’. The article also quotes an EU diplomat. EU diplomats are ‘European’ but then the EUROPEAN has no defense role and Ukrainian is not the EU. If European diplomats, EU or otherwise, are not considering the implications of a second Trump term on European Defense and the Ukraine war then they would be failing in their duties. The only ‘terrified’ quote is actually ‘slightly terrified’. Nice trigger on EU being corrupt/Leftwing.
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