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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. “Advertisements are insidious by nature, that's how they work.” I’m glad we agree on something. Now all we need to do is examine the impact of advertising on young people to determine where the real harm is being inflicted. My money is on a host of other things that the rightwing will eagerly defend. Look again at the image in the OP, all this outrage over a cartoon. Meanwhile the number of young people suffering body dysmorphia as a result of unrealistic portrayals of beauty in advertising borders on epidemic: https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm5803/cmselect/cmhealth/114/report.html
  2. I didn’t post any ‘scientific blurb’. I did however explain the gaping hole in what you claim to be your ‘research’ and how your ‘research’ is actually an exercise in active confirmation bias.
  3. Do you think the fact that the DOJ has built the case against trump on witness testimony given by Republicans, members of Trump’s hand picked administration and his own family might play a part in Trump being convicted?
  4. No deviation at all, the application of the CE Mark is extended indefinitely by a Government facing annihilation at the next election. Why a ‘BREXITEER’ would point out this example of the Government walking back its own post BREXIT ‘freedom’ policies is something for you to explain.
  5. Indefinitely extended by a Government facing annihilation at the next election.
  6. Yep, they can use the UKCA for goods that don’t come up to EU standards. Or they can take advantage of economies of scale and stick with the CE mark, which is why manufacturers lobbied Government to keep the CE mark.
  7. Because of course given the indefinite extension of the CE mark British businesses will be eager to adopt the now necessary UKCA mark. Well of course they will not: https://www.conformance.co.uk/about/news/452-ce-mark-recognition-extended-indefinitely-by-uk-government
  8. What’s difficult about discussing these issues with your own kids? And can you tell us which coffee shops are displaying images of mastectomis within their premises?
  9. I’m going into town today, I’ll get my coffee at Costa. It’ll be all the more enjoyable given the likely absence of transphobic snowflakes in the cafe.
  10. Another BREXIT can kicked down the road. The UKCA is dead in the water.
  11. Remind me, if you know without having to look it up, who controls the budget?
  12. Odd then that it’s manufacturers that lobbied the Government to retain the CE mark and ditch the UKCA.
  13. He’s a problem for your claimed ‘research’, objections to ‘averages’ and surveys of 1000 people. The Central Limit Theorem. You cast your net around regional towns catch a few outliers on the price index, as you have done, but in order to demonstrate the prices are indicative of real experience in those areas you need more samples. The more samples you get the closer to the mean your results will become, and therefore closer to the actual experience of most people in the market. The other problem is despite claiming to have undertaken ‘research’ you have done nothing of the sort. You have started with a premise and then set about seeking confirmation of your premise, in doing so demonstrating a classic example of that other issue you mention ‘bias’, or more specifically, active confirmation bias.
  14. Rather unlikely unless there’s a profit in applying a second layer of certification and adding costs of higher quality for a fractional part of the market.
  15. The UKCA mark might have an application, it could be apply to products manufactured in the UK that meet lower UK standards but fail to meet EU standards. The mark of lower quality goods for the UK market. A real BREXIT benefit.
  16. That only makes sense of you believe manufacturers are going to be applying two sets of standards, by definition an increases cost and paperwork. Clearly this is a significant BREXIT U-Turn, the Government have given in to industry lobbyists. It’s another of those steps away from the impacts of BREXIT.
  17. It’s not a ‘Domestic Arrangement’ it’s the continuing implementation of the EU CE mark by the UK, as lobbied for by UK manufacturers. And the ditching of the proposed UKCA mark. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/ce-ukca/
  18. Maybe someone knows something you don’t: https://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/us/news/property/what-farmers-insurances-exit-means-for-florida-insurance-market-452475.aspx
  19. Nonsense, accurate reliable temperature measurement was achieved and has been standard for well over a century. And the understanding of the impact of measuring conditions is also well established measurement science.
  20. Accurate temperature measurements where achieved and standard technical ability well before 100 years ago.
  21. Middle aged men fixated on a teenager and fanaticizing over her being ‘handled’. Give that the thought it deserves.
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