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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Isn’t that the kind of personal experience/anecdote of the kind you yourself so often base your posts on?
  2. The interesting thing about this latest BREXIT climbdown is the fact that keeping the CE certification requires keeping the laws, regulations and standards upon which the CE certification is founded.
  3. The failure in care provision continues apace: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/jul/31/families-caring-for-dementia-patients-in-uk-reaching-crisis-point-says-charity
  4. Did I say I have no experience of care services? I don’t think I did.
  5. Biden isn’t ranting day and night on Twitter, I’ll give you that.
  6. I suggest observing carers at work before imagining robots doing the caring. However, AI is already reducing job opportunities, particularly amongst office based and professional service workers, perhaps in the future these people might move into care work. However, those same jobs lost to AI are also a loss to income tax receipts, so how would care be paid for. There is a clear need for a radical rethink on how care is provided and funded. Care work is an essential function within society, it’s high time it got the political attention and funding it deserves.
  7. Indeed, many do, and many do not. Very many carers are unpaid and receive no benefits, and are often not family members but friends and neighbours.
  8. More on the impacts of failing care provisions on the NHS: https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1716772/social-care-crisis-hospital-beds-NHS-crisis-ambulance/amp
  9. I think I’d watch the program before deciding what an eye, trained or otherwise, sees.
  10. You’ll not get any arguments from me regarding one’s responsibilities to one’s parents. Though I have observed it’s not something all agree with:
  11. The article is an introduction to the program, it’s a considerable distillation.
  12. I see you edited out your statement on how you would respond to a member of your family being stuck in hospital due to the lack of home care services. Odd, because taking care of one’s own parents is far from something to be embarrassed about.
  13. Topical broadcast from the BBC, available on I-Player: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001pc98/bbc-wales-investigates-i-want-to-go-home
  14. And yet the rich haven’t been leaving despite the current tax burden.
  15. Do you have information to back up your assertion that close to 1m unemployed don’t want to work?
  16. Is there any evidence that the rich leave on any significant numbers when taxes are raised (ie leave in sufficient numbers that the tax revenue goes down with an increase in tax rates on the rich)? And why only tax rich individuals, closing loopholes to reduce corporate tax avoidance would also increase tax revenues. The gaping hole left in UK import duties by the failure to implement import controls between the EU and UK is also bleeding revenue from the treasury.
  17. It’s always the same with the reactionaries. Dimple solutions to complex problems and an affinity for the solution that ticks the viscous, cruel and authoritarian boxes.
  18. Perhaps you should read up on the extra judicial killings that resulted.
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