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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Witness intimidation, hours after being warned by a Federal Judge not to engage in witness intimidation. Methinks Trump is deliberately trying to get himself thrown in the slammer and paint himself as a martyr. It’s right out of Cult Leader 101 and would play well to his supporters, foreign and domestic, who are wedded to self indulgence in grievance politics.
  2. Saving Japanese citizens was not a consideration. US strategic, political, military objectives where what informed the decision to dtlrop the bombs.
  3. Just in time to put an end to Stalin’s plans to join the pacific war and take Japanese territory.
  4. Apparently he’s not happy with the judge because she addressed him as Mr Trump. Well that and the fact that he himself didn’t appoint her. And a couple of other things.
  5. I look forward to your protests of Trump being tried before a judge that he himself appointed.
  6. Thank you for the link: Actually the proposed order goes significantly further: Trump has until Monday evening to respond and has been denied motion for more time (to delay).
  7. Trump supporters are bang on the trajectory of denial I predicted from the beginning. Trump supporters don’t accept the allegations agains their ‘leader’, they don’t accept the investigation, they don’t accept the indictments, they won’t accept the trial, they wont accept any evidence or testimony against Trump, they will not accept any guilty verdict, they will not accept any sentencing. Trump, to use his own words “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters,” I’m sure he’ll loose voters, but I doubt very much he’ll lose any ‘deplorables’.
  8. And millions more jailed for crimes they actually committed.
  9. Can you please provide a link to the source of the text you are quoting. I’d like to read the bits you aren’t quoting.
  10. Trump has only just gotten started with his threats. He’s working himself up to once again inciting violence. His rhetoric will become more violent and inflammatory as he gets closer to trial and as more indictments pile up against him.
  11. No, the EU is employing its power as a union of nations against a third nation seeking to obtain privileges it’s not entitled to. “Leave means Leave”.
  12. And witnesses who are all republicans, hand picked members of Trump’s administration and members of Trump’s family.
  13. A few decades in Leavenworth should instill a bit of patriotism, or at the very least an appreciation of why it matters.
  14. It’s not simply a matter of what you or anyone else is happy to see, it’s more importantly a matter of what meets requirements for import/export.
  15. Can you please provide a link to this data. I suspect, as is normal for Government trade data, it does not account for inflation between the period since April-May 2022.
  16. No quite. I’m having a good day observing a BREXIT climb down. The UK indefinitely applying the CE mark and in doing so the EU laws, regulations and standards upon which it is based.
  17. Correct me if I’m wrong but it was you who said: At no time have I advocated going back to lower quality products in the UK. Though I suspect it is a consideration for those arguing in favour of deregulation.
  18. The costs associated with the UKCA fiasco are an addition to the costs of BREXIT, they are part of the mess that is BREXIT.
  19. I agree with others, not a scam. The OP can ensure he pays the right tax by requesting a self assessment. Nobody owes him the duty to make sure his taxes are right, that’s something he and all tax payers must do for themselves.
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