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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The fact something is the law does not make it right. Unless of course we ignore the history of laws being used to justify killing.
  2. There’s no need for these ‘benefits myths’, they have no part in the subject ‘Slavery’ discussion.
  3. Do you believe Britain’s poor have enough access to care? How would driving up care costs impact the poor in Britain who need care?
  4. Ronny, it might be an idea to wait and see what the federal charges are before deciding on behalf of America what is pardonable.
  5. I’ve lived in Singapore, it’s nowhere near as ‘lawful’ as it says on the packet. As the locals like to point out, the front of the house is spotless, but don’t look in the back garden.
  6. Let’s put a pin in that and come back to it when we discuss interest rates elsewhere.
  7. I wonder what prompted such an odd choice of words: ‘desperate and flailing’.
  8. Ditto the area where I am, plus signing up bonuses for people with care experience. Care work is often described as ‘low skill’ I believe this to be a misnomer, it takes a special set of skills to able to deal with people facing the health mobility challenges and often end of life, plus of course the families of these people. Not everyone can do this, I don’t think I could. Added to which is the emotional labour that is a natural part of the job. I suspect very few of the UK’s unemployed are cut out for this.
  9. I think sponge off the poor is a better description. Made all the more easier by distracting you with ‘immigration and immigrants’.
  10. And the bill for higher care costs will be paid for by?
  11. I don’t like McConnell one bit, but it cannot be reasonably denied that like other older politicians, not subjects of this thread, he brings brings with him the long tooth experience of a lifetime in politics and consummate political skills. Governing the worlds most powerful democracy is serious business for which a mixture of young blood and wise old hands is essential. I wish Mitch a speedy and full recovery for his health and annihilation at the election for his party.
  12. Is that you admitting the the Express article you linked is a forecast?
  13. All Giuliani had to do was stay away from Donald Trump and he would have passed into history with a enviable reputation intact. He didn’t do that simple thing and he’s now on course for ending his days in the slammer.
  14. More crystal ball stuff from the rightwing press.
  15. Correct me if I’m wrong. The Nazi used victims of the Holocaust as slave labor? Not so much victims of the Nazis ‘parlaying’ their skills as being enslaved by the brutality of the Nazi killing machine.
  16. Trump’s narcissistic extinction burst is coming to a head.
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