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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Obviously a legal challenge is coming. But the Government got the headline they need to distract some of the electorate.
  2. You are being a bit choosy on the ‘out performed metric. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02791/#:~:text=In 2022%2C ranked on GDP,below Germany and the US.
  3. I’ve read the article, I’ve also read other articles offering other points of view. I look forward to reading the reports of legal challenges and I will undoubtedly get to read articles on the continuing failure of the Government’s already failing asylum policies.
  4. I don’t think we are discussing a country that is ‘booming’.
  5. Perhaps it could, but there’s no profit in that for the Government’s chums. Shall we make a list of other Government schemes that transfer tax payer’s money to Government chums and see what other ‘good causes’ it could be used for?
  6. You obviously don’t understand, refusing to board a vessel has no bearing on an individual’s right to have their asylum claim assed, nor on the Government’s duty under international and UK law to fairly assess such asylum claims. Perhaps you should release your own ‘political shackles’ and start admitting the obvious failures of this Government to manage and clear asylum claims, be they bona fide or bogus. Nobody is objecting to the removal of bogus asylum seekers, the Government need to get on with the duty of assessing the claims, removing the bogus and moving those with bona fide claims into the community where they can work, keep themselves, pay taxes and contribute to society and the economy.
  7. To do so would entail first reviewing their asylum claims, something the Government is failing to do, hence the ever increasing backlog.
  8. Utter garbage. Nobody objects to bogus asylum seekers being deported. The problem is sorting out those who are bogus, The Government has failed and is failing to clear asylum applications. Do try to post without infringing the auto delete function, it’s not difficult to do, you just need to avoid using offensive language.
  9. OK, if you say so: https://fullfact.org/immigration/braverman-asylum-initial-decision-backlog/
  10. Do you think the Japanese took any notice of American leaflets? The US had cracked Japanese signaling codes, they knew exactly what the Japanese response was.
  11. Do you understand the difference between an individual making a choice that puts them at risk and a Government making a choice that puts an individual at risk?
  12. Because the Government are failing to clear asylum applications.
  13. I’m quite certain that your offshore oil company accommodation was built and maintained in full compliance to industry and national safety standards. Genuine asylum seekers should indeed be afforded a home in the UK and bogus applicants should be deported, perhaps the Government should get on with the job of assessing their claims.
  14. What could go wrong?: https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1797720/bibby-stockholm-asylum-barge-fire-risk/amp
  15. It’s taken fourteen years of concerted effort to get there but, yes, I think you are right. A total clown show.
  16. Plenty of time for home owners to move off their fixed term mortgage interest payments onto the new very much higher rates. Plenty of time for the NHS backlog to grow bigger. Plenty of time for more Government failures, more Tory sleaze and as Tory MPs see their seat at risk, Tory infighting.
  17. I didn’t allude, I made a direct statement. I’ve read a lot of your posts, I naturally draw my own conclusions.
  18. I don’t see the Republicans have a way out of selecting Trump as their candidate, a mess of their own making. The ‘Republican Party’ doesn’t really exist anymore, it’s been replaced by an extremist cult. The party of ‘small government’ now focussed on controlling the minutiae of citizens lives.
  19. Well maybe, but don’t get your hopes up: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4137314-roughly-half-of-republicans-in-new-poll-would-not-vote-for-trump-if-hes-convicted-of-felony/amp/
  20. It’s not a matter of what most Americans think, it’s a matter of what a jury of 12 think. They, unlike ‘most Americans’ will get to see and hear the evidence firsthand with no intermediaries telling them what to think. [edit] Multiple juries of 12 Americans. Multiple juries of other Americans have already decided there is good cause to send the accusations against Trump to trial.
  21. All that kowtowing to a viscous dictator and saluting Generals at the top of arguably the most oppressive regime on the planet. How could we forget?!
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