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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Please do not cut my statements and respond out of context.
  2. There is a s no law against it, there is a DoJ memorandum but it does s not cast in stone.
  3. He could, but there are a couple of problems. Firstly he would have to get selected by the Republican Party as their candidate. Secondly the moment he announces a run all his campaign finances are subject to scrutiny under Election law. I doubt he wants that. Finally there is the problem of Trump’s Final line of defense. I’ll make a punt here, when Trump is finally cornered by criminal prosecution he’ll claim unfitness to stand trial. Trump will not be a candidate in 2024, stick a fork in him, he’s done.
  4. The DoJ is an organization, it is not an individual. Individuals may or may not be capable of correcting their behavior, tge ability to correct the behavior of organizations is a demonstrable fact: Fire and replace the management. Restructure the organization. Re-write procedures and practices. Subject the organization to oversight. The list goes on. Your assertion that because the FBI abused its power in the past is somehow evidence of abuse now is patent nonsense.
  5. There is politics in this. The DoJ cannot afford to bring one case against Trump and risk losing all other cases on the back of that single case. I expect the DoJ will assemble every last bit of evidence of every single crime they can uncover. I’ve given examples we know about above, but think about the fact this search came out of the blue. What else then is coming down the pike?
  6. The DoJ does not decide if there is sufficient evidence to move forward with a prosecution. The DoJ makes a determination that there is sufficient evidence to bring a prosecution, and then (following the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution) places the evidence before a Grand Jury. It is the Grand Jury that decides if there is sufficient evidence to prosecute. Grand Juries sit in camera, their deliberations are secret and even the fact there is a Grand Jury empaneled is not declared. It is also usual for the DoJ to assemble all charges against an individual, we might expect the DoJ to be particularly thorough in the case of charges against a former President. Despite the deliberations of Grand Juries being held in camera we do often learn from witnesses called before Grand Juries of their existence, especially if a witness(es) goes to court to challenge a subpoena. We also know that several members of Trump’s high level administration have recently been subject to search warrants, seizures and subpoenas, the DoJ issues subpoenas to ‘witnesses’ to the activities of the ‘target’, hence it is very reasonable to assume that Trump is the target. This recent raid related to theft and the laws of espionage. From observation of arrests , searches and court filings we know the DoJ is investigating the events of J6. We know the DoJ is investigating attempts to rig individual State election results. We know the DoJ is investigation ‘slates of fake electors (who helpfully signed their names on fake election returns). So to answer your question we would need to know how long all of this will take, and of course we can have no real idea. What we can be certain of is it’s all in progress. Justice is coming.
  7. Due process is something that takes place, as you yourself describe, within the criminal Justice system. Opinions, here and elsewhere are not part of the judicial process.
  8. Getting it done despite Republicans voting on mass to block help for working Americans, the old and Veterans.
  9. *Deleted post edited out* Stealing government documents, regardless of their classification is a serious crime. As has been explained above numerous times.
  10. Trump was President, not King a distinction that might cause confusion to subjects of a crown.
  11. He didn’t give ‘definitive proof of a felony’. He made a logical argument of what would constitute ‘difinitive proof of a felony’. Unfortunately we have definitive proof that logical argument he made is beyond the grasp of some.
  12. Go on spill the beans. Where are you going to get the real story from?
  13. Trump was issued two documents by the FBI. A search warrant and an itemized receipt of things removed by the FBI. He’s being awfully quiet about the itemized list.
  14. Let’s pretend concerns about Trump and access to state secrets is a sudden new shock shall we?! https://www.wsj.com/articles/spies-keep-intelligence-from-donald-trump-1487209351
  15. As far as I know, and correct me if I’m wrong, but lots of people have security clearance, it doesn’t give them any rights to remove top secret documents from the place those documents belong and keep them at their own homes.
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