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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. He’s grifting money from his supporters, if he he announces he’s running the accounts of the money he collects is subject to scrutiny and election law.
  2. Your misinformed posts on this forum do not constitute ‘The History’.
  3. Like I say, you need to come to terms with the Tories ousting Johnson and stop blaming everyone else. Sadly I had no part in Johnson’s downfall but I do appreciate your faith in my powers.
  4. All I can say is if the Left did have a hand in getting rid of the lying, corrupt and incompetent Johnson, then this is something the Left need to start taking more credit for. Unfortunately, with a massive majority in Parliament there was only one way to get rid of Johnson, his own party had to do it. They, like you, weren’t the least bit bothered by Johnson’s lies, corruption and incompetence, but unlike you they were not going to ignore the Public rebuke of two by-election defeats. The public saw right through Johnson, the Tories had to act.
  5. We know Johnson’s lies, corruption and incompetence didn’t bother you, but certainly bothered very many other people. You need to get over this.
  6. That’s just it isn’t it. Head of a landslide Government and he still couldn’t hold it together. Still had to lie, still had stick his snout in the trough. The press and media very rightly exposed Johnson for what he is. The electorate saw what he is and voted accordingly. Finally after trying to dodge the inevitable, his own MP’s voted against him. What took so long?
  7. Newspapers and the media reporting Johnson’s lies, incompetence and corruption?
  8. Or so you claim. But there once only one place where ‘Boris Johnson’ appeared as an option on the ballot paper, and in that place he only got 52.6% of the vote.
  9. The only people who voted for Boris are those in his own constituency of Uxbridge and South Ruislip, where he won 52.6 % of votes cast. So just over half of his own constituency, to claim this ad ‘The people’ is a bit of a stretch.
  10. You are correct, he hasn’t resigned but he is in the process of being removed.
  11. It’s not the truth, your accusations are baseless and patent nonsense. Johnson was brought down by a vote by his own party’s MPs. That vote and the outcome of that vote are a recorded fact. You need to come to terms with these facts.
  12. Irony alert. You tried to deflect by claIming the media is deflecting. Don’t fret, the DoJ is not being deflected.
  13. You’ve been trying to convince us of this nonsense for months, but that doesn’t make it true.
  14. What you claim is your memory is meaningless without a date attached. Inflation is already a problem, Truss’ tax cuts will make it worse. Meanwhile the average mortgage is around £140,000, small changes in interest rates are going to have large impacts on mortgage debt.
  15. He was brought down by two bi-election defeats, a direct result of his own lies, incompetence and corruption. But of course, it’s always somebody else’s fault.
  16. It’s not about what the electorate want, it’s about what the Tory Constituency Party members want.
  17. The outcome of stripping people of their cultural heritage is very clearly demonstrated world wide. The problems within native Canadian communities are mirrored by those in Native American communities, Native Australian Communities, Native New Zealand Communities. Denial of the impacts of the past on the present is patently nonsense, but entirely in keeping with the body of your comments in this thread.
  18. I doubt the winner of the leadership contest will call an early election, the party is split down the middle and the candidates are each either side of that split.
  19. Not at all, I’m basing my comments on those of Liz Truss’ own economic guru, Prof. Patrick Minford.
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