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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The topic of this thread would be a good place to start.
  2. Biden is not the subject of a no-knock search warrant, and not the subject of the no-knock search warrant that is the topic of this thread.
  3. It’s an interesting possibility. How’s Lindsey Graham taking the news?
  4. Don’t let the opportunity for a bit of off off topic ageism pass you by.
  5. The person who told the FBI to look in the safe. Identifying such a very specific place to search and what to find there was not the handy work of the ‘National Archive’.
  6. I wonder if Trump has twigged that somebody close to him is grassing him up?
  7. Can please provide a quote of Johnson stating he is resigning. He is still PM - Fact!
  8. Johnson is PM, he has the power and duties of PM. Wriggle away.
  9. Earlier today you were demonstrating your complete lack of understanding of how search warrants are obtained, now you’re pontificating on ‘heads rolling’. Nobody ‘needs to find a smoking gun’, they just need to do their jobs and follow procedure. It’s not a drama, it’s a process.
  10. Laughable, ludicrous and shameless. Reality has to be twisted to avoid facing facts he can’t stand to hear.
  11. He’s still in a umber 10, he’s still the Prime minister. Quit gaslighting.
  12. Johnson is still Prime Minister, he’s not yet gone, he still holds the powers and still has the responsibilities of Prime Minister. No amount of mental contortions on your part change that fact.
  13. Nonsense. Johnson is still Prime Minister. He’s hung on to the post, but doesn’t want the responsibility. People are suffering, the Tories are doing nothing to help. It’s a failure that is getting noticed.
  14. Lockdown is well over. Your personal problems with Sturgeon are once again noted.
  15. Help me out here. I don’t know what goes best with this news of the FBI no-knock raid of Trump’s Mar a Largo residence. What do you think, Chardonnay or Prosecco? Chilled of course!
  16. It was awful quiet before this FBI no-knock search. Trump never saw it coming.
  17. We’ve seen Trump’s MAGA Mayhem, those who foolishly followed his last call to fight are suffering the consequences. And a new elected administration has control of law enforcement and the national guard. Nobody is going to standby and let extremists mayhem. Oh, and facts matter. FBI Director Wray was appointed by Trump.
  18. You should ask the forum management to open a thread on that.
  19. Let’s go back to your usual insistence on evidence. Where is your evidence of political interference in the issue of this no-knock search warrant?
  20. You make a very valid point. The FBI’s no-knock raid was made under authority of a judge signing the search warrant. To obtain a search warrant the FBI had to present evidence to the judge that demonstrates to the satisfaction of the judge that there is evidence of a crime at the property. To obtain a no-knock warrant the FBI need to make the case, to the judge’s satisfaction, that the subject(s) of the search might destroy or remove evidence. So to answer your question, the FBI have convinced a judge that evidence of a crime exists at the property and that there is reason to believe the subject(s) of the search might destroy or remove that evidence. Look on the bright side Johnny, it might not be Trump they’re after, it could be the cook or the gardener.
  21. The existence of Trump followers outside of the US is not new, it’s a thing. He’s had a strong following amongst the extreme rightwing across the UK. Europe and elsewhere. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/trump-uk-visit-supporters-video-protest-milkshake-wetherspoons-a8944426.html
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