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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Yep, just back to the baseline of delays and costs to freight (the stuff that hits the UK economy).
  2. Or they can go elsewhere in Europe without any restrictions at all.
  3. Why on earth would I celebrate businesses struggling and people suffering, I never once supported the root cause of these problems?
  4. It’s causing problems for recruiting the highly skilled workers the UK economy desperately needs, not least of all medical professionals for the foundering NHS. But your alright Jack.
  5. Meanwhile the British economy is paying the price for the far more costly delays to freight. …. ’should’, ‘hope’.
  6. Who on earth would take a ham sandwich with them to France. I will have gone off before they clear the queues at Dover.
  7. What you need to be embarrassed about is voting to end freedom of movement and then moaning when your freedom of movement is removed.
  8. The pleasures of holding third nation status. A direct result of Brexit.
  9. Decades of decline dramatically reversed. That’s the evidence we have. You can imagine other scenarios but that’s what they are, figments of your imagination.
  10. There you go again, trying to keep comfortable b wrapping your self in the flag.
  11. You mean the one that set the UK on course from ‘sick man of Europe’ to booming economy.
  12. You brought some fictitious numbers into the discussion, you need to back up you risible ’probable’ and ‘rough guess’. But do feel free to continue to hold an embarrassing position, you’ve only your own credibility to lose.
  13. Wrapping yourself in the flag while backing Brexit, the single most agrievous act of self harm the UK has ever committed. OK.
  14. That’s one of the things you are well known for, there are others.
  15. You made your arguments on ‘probable’ numbers and a ‘rough guess’. It’s for you to prove you are right. Nobody here owes you anything.
  16. It wasn’t me that introduced ‘probable’ and ‘rough guess’ of the numbers into the discussion. That was you, the basis of the argument you are making is based on your ‘probable’ and ‘rough guess’. I don’t owe you any numbers. Your arguments are groundless.
  17. Having read your posts in this thread I can only come to one conclusion. It really does bother you that the children of an ethnic minority subjected to abuse might be given Justice.
  18. Just as I though the nonsense couldn’t get any worse, you’ve dreamt up ‘a watch list for forthright politics views’.
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