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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The answer is available for those who look: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_power_in_the_United_Kingdom
  2. And not enough workers across all sectors, hampering the growth, productivity the UK so desperately needs.
  3. WRT US politics, you’ve been wrong about everything in the run up to the mid terms. What makes you think you are right now?
  4. And dwindling population. I suggest you don’t stay into old age, there will be nobody there to take care of you or pay the taxes for thanking care of you.
  5. The people telling you the NHS is a black hole are the same people who sold Brexit to the nation.
  6. You are correct, well insomuch as it’s not only Brexit. But Brexit is a significant factor in the problems the UK economy is facing right now and until Brexit is reversed. (Take note, there is no free trade deal with the US on the horizon and certainly no sight of sunny uplands on which to graze those Brexit unicorns).
  7. A person in a one bedroom bed sit pays the same tax as a person in a mansion….. that poll tax! Or are you on about the first poll tax that gave rise to riots in the Middle Ages? https://media.nationalarchives.gov.uk/index.php/revolt-story-englands-first-protest/
  8. Thank you for evidence of lorry driver shortages being a cause of critical supply chain problems impacting the the UK economy. A Facebook group of guys saying they are not happy is not evidence of anything other than a Facebook group of guys saying they are not happy.
  9. Please be more precise. Which EU countries is the UK doing better than and on what basis is the UK doing better?
  10. I suggest you get yourself over there, they need all the help they can get: https://japan-forward.com/japans-population-decline-is-a-national-emergency/?gsearch=click&gclid=Cj0KCQiApb2bBhDYARIsAChHC9uZjV6KmMTO9pcfXsZRR1TQCQ9_Sp46fbDLmwGljzP4vrntLS3Y-bcaAnkoEALw_wcB
  11. Where is your evidence that Next, or any other business for that matter, were paying immigrant workers far below minimum wage? The basis of calculating unemployment has changed multiple times since 1974, always to reduce the reported number.
  12. You don’t have to, just hold them accountable for the problems they created and/or made worse.
  13. Nevertheless this Brexit champion is now suddenly aware that Brexit is damaging his business, like it’s damaging many other UK businesses.
  14. Let’s see if you can work this out. Oil, arriving from Russia, Saudi Arabia and a few other equally unpleasant places can be switched off overnight. Result, immediate energy crisis. Rare Earth minerals already installed in already commissioned generating equipment and power storage systems can’t be switched off overnight. And China isn’t going to control Rare Earth supplies for much longer: https://www.investmentmonitor.ai/sectors/extractive-industries/china-rare-earths-dominance-mining
  15. It’s the poor that have wound up paying for twelve years of Tory mismanagement, Tory Austerity#1 and will pay the price of the soon to be announced Tory Austerity #2. Twelve years of Tory Government and you have the audacity to blame ‘woke people’. There’s not a problem in the UK that the Tories have not created and/or made worse. The people who told you they had got the UK’s borders back have lost control of the UK’s borders. So you point the finger elsewhere.
  16. But you choose not to name that country or the primary industry sector. What should we make of that?
  17. COVID was a one off hit. Brexit is causing on going problems, hence Lord Simon Wolfson who was core supporter of Brexit complaining about Brexit. You can’t hide the problems of Brexit behind COVID for ever, they are real, damaging and ongoing. No sunny uplands as promised.
  18. It is slowly sinking in, but how a leader of a major retailer couldn’t see the consequences of the madness he backed is a mystery: https://www.business-live.co.uk/retail-consumer/brexit-backer-next-boss-lord-25482506
  19. Let me pick just one. How is moving to Green Energy causing problems when Russia’s war has caused supply problems and price hikes to oil? Renewables are a source of energy independent of foreign interference, unless of course some James Bond type baddie manages to switch off the sim, the wind and the tides.
  20. Well yes he has, and he has a particular shareholder he needs to keep happy: https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattdurot/2022/10/31/saudi-prince-alwaleed-becomes-twitters-second-largest-shareholder/?sh=472e100b523a
  21. Your ‘leftie’ fixation is blinding you to the real problems Musk and Twitter are facing.
  22. Cutting the nation off from the worlds largest largest tariff free market hasn’t helped.
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