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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Yes, don’t waste money giving winter fuel allowance to pensioners on incomes above the benefit threshold.
  2. Dubai is no longer PM, his policies of allowing energy customers to take in profits from millions of people choosing between heating and eating went with him.
  3. To scrolling through facebook looking for reasons to criticize the Government. Social media algorithms feeding you what you react to (AKA reinforcing the biases you already revealed to their monitoring of your use of their platform).
  4. Poll consolidators differ: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/
  5. You’ll get a much smoother ride with the 35mm and you might find the rolling resistance is lower. Certainly if going over sand I would choose a wider tire .
  6. No, best rely on the court records and skip your misrepresentation of events that the court has ruled on. “Abuse of human rights” Your auto grievance stroking is obviously becoming more of an issue.
  7. What I have never experienced here is any aggression from drivers of cars/motorbikes towards cyclist. Sadly something quite common in other countries where I have frequently cycled.
  8. I’ll stick with what the court records say, the convict’s plea, his statement that he deleted messages on Facebook, and the court’s records of his conviction and sentencing. Not lay opinion on what laws were/were not broken or how those laws were/were not broken but actual court records.
  9. No that is not all I did. I quoted the actual crimes for the guilty pleas were given and linked the actual court records. Including cases of none white and Muslim criminals convicted and imprisoned. If you assert there was any duress in obtaining the guilty pleas, submitted by those convicted in court and under oath, then it is for you produce evidence to back your claim. You don’t have evidence, you are engaging in misinformation and grievance stroking.
  10. Erm.. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/aug/27/harris-walz-interview-cnn
  11. Has China responded to refute these allegations with threats of serious consequences yet?
  12. You’ve certainly seen the court rulings refuting your misrepresentation of what crimes your martyrs were jailed on. I quoted them at the time in response to your misrepresentation of facts with links to the actual court records.
  13. Is that you withdrawing your accusation that I imagined Tories appointing to the House of Lords Russian Oligarchs with connections to Putin?
  14. Oh the seething self stroked grievance of it all. And repeating misrepresentations of court rulings that you have already been corrected on with reference to actual court documents.
  15. Jack Smith is making moves in Washington too: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/08/27/trump-indicted-2020-election-subversion-00176503
  16. An imagination with links Jonny: https://www.occrp.org/en/news/channel-4-ex-pm-overruled-security-concerns-over-nominee-to-house-of-lords
  17. Well that’s what happens after over a decade of not building the prisons the justice system needs. Right now only 100 prison spaces left. https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/aug/27/only-100-spaces-remaining-in-mens-prisons-in-england-and-wales
  18. Let’s see what the Autumn budget brings. I very much doubt it will be anything the school milk snatcher would ever agree to.
  19. What they have in common is both the UK’s Labour Party and the Democrats face rightwing parties that have lost the plot wandering off into rightwing extremism, culture wars, scapegoating immigrants and generally abandoning the political center ground.
  20. Nah, he just needs to bide his time. Send a few oligarchs who owe him big over to the UK and wait for a Tory Government to appoint them to the House of Lords.
  21. At least she knows what the Constitution is and what State she’s in on anyone given day. Her aversion to coddling dictators and tyrants is also in her favor, as is her ability to talk without slurring. Cluck Cluck
  22. Musk, he’s that guy Trump has been offering jobs to. I say he needs to get off the Federal tit.
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