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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. This being the disastrous time as POTUS you imagine in order to prop up your circular logic.
  2. Sorry for providing a link that demonstrates the truth of my statement.
  3. He’s relying on the votes of religious zealots. Somebody needs to explain to him, zealots don’t do halfway house stuff. If Trump, or indeed any Republican, is not backing an all out 100% ban on abortion, then he/they are losing rightwing Christian votes. OK I confess, I would much rather nobody explains this to him.
  4. You might want to do likewise: https://www.bmi.bund.de/EN/topics/migration/law-on-foreigners/freedom-of-movement/freedom-of-movement-node.html#:~:text=As EU citizens%2C all nationals,in any EU Member State.&text=This right to freedom of,of the EU (TFEU).
  5. I’ve given you the best friendly advice I have for you. His habit of grifting of his supporters ought to be all the warning anyone needs.
  6. Of course he’s appealing the case. He gets his rubes to fund his costs. In the meantime the verdict stands and the settlement is accruing interest. Here’s some friendly advice, don’t send him any of your money, he’s supposed to be a billionaire, if he’s asking for money he’s grifting and if he needs to grift he’s not a billionaire. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/trumps-use-campaign-funds-pay-legal-bills
  7. I’d be careful calling Carrol a liar, your idol did and it cost him dearly.
  8. Which I guess is why Trump’s supporters, both foreign and domestic, have being having conniption fits since Biden withdrew and Harris became the Democrat Candidate.
  9. He’s got to the point of telling the world ‘he’s doing the weave’.
  10. I’ve said for a long time, the GOP are unable to rid themselves of Trump. They had two chances during his impeachments, they chose to pass up on both. A mess of their own making.
  11. Your letting your imagination get the better of you. Play the ball, not your baseless assumptions about the man.
  12. It plays well to his dwindling pool of supporters, both foreign and domestic.
  13. I ‘also apply the one drop rule’. Your attempts to demonstrate that to be true are going to be interesting. That aside, it’s a very odd and no longer extant ‘rule’ to drag out of the sordid history of American racism. There is no two tier policing.
  14. Actually another day for a ban that had already been passed in its first vote back in April: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68824493.amp
  15. You want churches to be built/remain open for people who don’t go to church?
  16. There was something of significance missing from the interview. Zero whining, zero talk of doom, zero scapegoating immigrants, zero fear mongering, zero negativity, zero claiming the forthcoming election is rigged, zero moaning and groaning. Oh and no slurring either.
  17. There is an ignore function for those who don’t like reading views they don’t agree with.
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