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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I’ve read that twice. Nothing you say confirms you have had a COVID infection. Did you get a diagnosis/test confirming COVID or are you assuming COVID without a confirmed diagnosis/test?
  2. You haven’t come up with any alternatives you’ve simply engaged in finger pointing and victim blaming. People who live in cities: Presumably you don’t count yourself amongst them. People suffering illnesses (who of course you blame for being ill): Presumably you don’t count yourself amongst them. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for encouraging healthier living, but perhaps before concluding people choose to be unhealthy you might consider this piece of epidemiology (it being a bit of a topic these days). When society wide health problems appear, look for a society wide cause. As for your suggestion re getting more data and then examining it. It is data and the examination of data that is driving the public health policies you object to.
  3. Have you considered that labelling those who disagree with you as a tribe (something you frequently do) is no conducive to encouraging anyone to considering anything else you have to say?
  4. It’s a Dutch thing. Write back and explain your certificate is both English and Thai, perhaps add a copy with the English highlighted. Provide your full name, booking reference, passport number and certificate number as references in your email. If time is short, first use KLM’s online chat function on their website, but get acceptance of your certificate in writing.
  5. Please provide a link to back up your repeated claims regarding mRNA and heart disease.
  6. 1. Life style diseases exist as in a known and relatively fixed percentage of the population, they develop into hospitalization cases at a steady rate. Medical services are established to handle this steady rate of a known percentage of cases. The COVID virus creates hospitalizations (within the unvaccinated population) at an exponential rate. Thereby overwhelming hospitals which are not established to handle mass patient arrivals in short periods. 2. The cure for lifestyle diseases is complex, difficult to enact and when enacted takes years to have effect. Almost all COVID hospitalizations can be avoided by a simple, cheap, safe and effective vaccine. 3. Nobody who is suffering lifestyle diseases is a threat to the health of medical staff or indeed anyone else.
  7. OK, so you missed the Math class on statistical sampling.
  8. I can think of at least two pornographic videos depicting well known Thai people that went viral on Thai social media. No names no pack drill.
  9. What does the data on serious illness illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths have to say for Portugal? Refer link I provided. Portugal has not achieved 98% vaccination, the figure is currently 86.6% have received at least one vaccination (our world data) https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/portugal-returns-covid-restrictions-high-jab-rate-81397416
  10. You’ve already pointed out the relatively high level of vaccination in Portugal and the link you provided also discusses the a-political response Portugal has followed. You have demonstrated Portugal is charting its own course through the pandemic. Now you want to infer the Portuguese continuing response says something about the unvaccinated elsewhere. You need first to demonstrate that Portugal’s response is not simply a continuation of the nation’s existing policies. Portugal is doing a good job fighting this disease, in its own way. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/portugal/ Perhaps you should look at parts of the world with high vaccination refusal.
  11. The relative scarcity of ‘cross community’ social interactions within rural communities compared to those within cities will hinder the rate of infection but ‘cross community’ interactions do occur and there have been a number of instances in which visiting relatives have infected their ‘rural’ family and the community which they have visited. We might regard the isolation of rural communities as an example of ‘natural social isolation’ while infectious that are introduced by visitors as a breakdown in that isolation. The lesson here is that yes rural communities are largely isolated but yes infections do get through. And this is the problem with your ‘I’m not at risk in a rural setting’ argument. COVID is not going away it is always going to be hunting for people vulnerable to infection. Nowhere is safe from the virus. With that knowledge the rational response is to make sure when you meet the virus you are vaccinated. There is one other ‘risk’ issue. Rural Thailand is not blessed with the medical facilities of the urban centers. Living remote from quality health services is a choice, but it’s not a choice I would make. It is absolutely a factor in the calculation of health risks. Get vaccinated and follow the public health advice.
  12. Because Portugal is responding to the Delta variant which is not the variant the vast majority’s of Portuguese have been vaccinated against.
  13. It’s got nothing at all of how to live one’s life. And yes I too much prefer to view other members as being honest and giving their true opinions. Until of course what is said doesn’t add up.
  14. Yes I agree, many posts in online forums are unverifiable. Sadly everyone is a potential liar. Put these two pieces of knowledge together is the key to understanding why online anecdote is not a reliable form of argument.
  15. “I think we all know many individuals through our extended network in "rural" Thailand that has had Covid.” Well yes, on the basis of probability I would agree. Nevertheless, there are a number of people posting in this thread who claim not to know anyone who has had COVID. Refer their posts in this thread, and perhaps if you are so inclined their prior expressed opinions.
  16. This is an improvement, you’ve given up on anecdote and switched to wanting to see data. Given that my comment was observations on why anecdote is not a credible line of argument I regard this as an improvement: Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health publishes the data you now wish to see: https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/?dashboard=analysis-province
  17. 1. There’s no such thing as ‘COVID Prison. 2. I’ve already made my comments on the probability of a single individual having close relationships with two people, one who reportedly died as a result of an AZ vaccine (very rare event) and another who was hospitalized as a result of an AZ vaccine (rare event). Mathematically: P(very rare)|P(rare) = Extremely rare, or if you wish, highly unlikely. Apart from the probabilistic question, these reports suffer the same problems as I discussed in my last post, they are unverifiable.
  18. I haven’t objected to what others wish to discuss, I’ve simply pointed out the problem with unverifiable ‘anecdote’ as a line of argument. It becomes even more problematic when the prior expressed views of the person sharing their ‘anecdotes’ are considered.
  19. The ‘I don’t know anyone who has had/has died of COVID’ are meaningless, worse there is no way of verifying their veracity. Not to worry national disease control offices have been collecting data. Since the late 19th Century data has been used to demonstrate the extent, spread and causes of disease very often in the face of wide held objections based on personal experiences/lack of experience and anecdote. You say you don’t know anyone who has had COVID or died of it, maybe you don’t but that does not change the real data one jot. We’ll go with the data and ignore the unverifiable anecdotes.
  20. It’s not strange logic at all and it’s not an equivalence. Nor, as has been brought to our attention, are the COVID deaths included in the graph. How about addressing that?!
  21. You are making a false equivalence. The death rates are attributable to causes, without including the causes the comparison is meaningless. For example: Wars and famines kill huge numbers of people but they do in local ares not globally. A war in Iraq or a famine in Africa is not a threat to anyone living in Nakhon Nowhere.
  22. You are making a strawman argument, nobody is claiming the COVID vaccines are a 100% protection, these vaccines provide a significant reduction in risk of serious illness, hospitalization and death from COVID. So yes do look at the stats, vaccinated people are far less likely to become seriously ill, hospitalized or die. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/580770-unvaccinated-20-times-more-likely-to-die-from-covid-19-texas-study
  23. Please provide a link to verify these two claims: In vitro evidence of DNA damage - link now please. Prediction if 25% increase in heart damage - link now please. You say you follow these studies so now deliver the links..
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