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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. You are omitting to mention the outcomes of infections. Infections are only problematic where they cause serious sickness, long term sickness, hospitalizations or deaths. Vaccination greatly reduces all these outcomes and the associated cost burdens placed on wider society.
  2. My observation was countering the suggestion that Thai motorists don't follow the rules, I observed most do but those who do not act with impunity. I chose to live here, I follow the rules, especially the rules of driving.
  3. The thread has nothing to do with the 'Great Reset', 'Davos', or the 'WEF' though the part conspiracy theories play in anti-vaccine thinking is once again demonstrated.
  4. Citizens elect Government and Government, which having been elected is empowered to pass laws to among other things address the first duty of Government, the safety of the nation and citizens.
  5. The right to choose on matters of health is not an absolute right, the use of illegal drugs being one example, enforced hospitalisation of mentally ill or those infected with contagious disease are others.
  6. You’ll find the side effects of Pfizer-BioNTech listed in order of frequency in the attached; diarrhea is not listed so very odd that three people should have it. Perhaps they shared a meal that was not as healthy as it might have been.
  7. Most people do follow the rules. Some don’t and it’s seldom they are called to account.
  8. The information you have provided is useful, so thank you for posting, as is the information posted by others of actual experiences. This said, the title was odd, given the OP provides information, I suspect it might have reduced the audience, which is a shame. I suggest reading the final post of the thread to which you refer for a better understanding of what it was about.
  9. In two very short paragraphs you manage to completely contradict yourself. Well done.
  10. Then why the constant criticism of public health measures that are keeping millions of others safe? Millions who don’t live in semi-rural environments, cannot effectively socially isolate, may be subject to health conditions that raise their risk, or who’s work that places them at increased risk?
  11. So all of a sudden the CDC can’t be trusted because it’s publishing factual, traceable data which contradicts what you’ve been told by your ‘alternative’ sources. The CDC reports are governed by published CDC regulations and Federal Law. CDC reports and data provide the basis for public policy in areas of public health and public safety. CDC reports and data bases are a standard reference for research within academia and private business. The report to which you object includes a list of authors and contributors, I suggest you compare their qualifications with those of whoever it is feeding your head with misinformation.
  12. Not so. We have two homes in Thailand and frequently travel between them. On the two occasions in the past year that we arrived at our northern home we were contacted by the village head and told to stay home until the local health office contacted us. On both occasions a health officer called the following day, checked and recorded our temperatures and our vaccination certificates, before saying we were clear not to quarantine at home. Conversely, a young couple arrived in the village without vaccination and were taken to be quarantined at the village temple. As with all things in Thailand, the understanding and application of the rules vary according to who is administering them. [Edit] The weekly village announcements made over the public address speakers still include instruction that anyone coming to stay overnight in the village must report their arrival to the village head.
  13. I’ve read that twice. Nothing you say confirms you have had a COVID infection. Did you get a diagnosis/test confirming COVID or are you assuming COVID without a confirmed diagnosis/test?
  14. You haven’t come up with any alternatives you’ve simply engaged in finger pointing and victim blaming. People who live in cities: Presumably you don’t count yourself amongst them. People suffering illnesses (who of course you blame for being ill): Presumably you don’t count yourself amongst them. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for encouraging healthier living, but perhaps before concluding people choose to be unhealthy you might consider this piece of epidemiology (it being a bit of a topic these days). When society wide health problems appear, look for a society wide cause. As for your suggestion re getting more data and then examining it. It is data and the examination of data that is driving the public health policies you object to.
  15. Have you considered that labelling those who disagree with you as a tribe (something you frequently do) is no conducive to encouraging anyone to considering anything else you have to say?
  16. It’s a Dutch thing. Write back and explain your certificate is both English and Thai, perhaps add a copy with the English highlighted. Provide your full name, booking reference, passport number and certificate number as references in your email. If time is short, first use KLM’s online chat function on their website, but get acceptance of your certificate in writing.
  17. Please provide a link to back up your repeated claims regarding mRNA and heart disease.
  18. 1. Life style diseases exist as in a known and relatively fixed percentage of the population, they develop into hospitalization cases at a steady rate. Medical services are established to handle this steady rate of a known percentage of cases. The COVID virus creates hospitalizations (within the unvaccinated population) at an exponential rate. Thereby overwhelming hospitals which are not established to handle mass patient arrivals in short periods. 2. The cure for lifestyle diseases is complex, difficult to enact and when enacted takes years to have effect. Almost all COVID hospitalizations can be avoided by a simple, cheap, safe and effective vaccine. 3. Nobody who is suffering lifestyle diseases is a threat to the health of medical staff or indeed anyone else.
  19. OK, so you missed the Math class on statistical sampling.
  20. I can think of at least two pornographic videos depicting well known Thai people that went viral on Thai social media. No names no pack drill.
  21. What does the data on serious illness illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths have to say for Portugal? Refer link I provided. Portugal has not achieved 98% vaccination, the figure is currently 86.6% have received at least one vaccination (our world data) https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/portugal-returns-covid-restrictions-high-jab-rate-81397416
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