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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Getting it done despite Republicans voting on mass to block help for working Americans, the old and Veterans.
  2. *Deleted post edited out* Stealing government documents, regardless of their classification is a serious crime. As has been explained above numerous times.
  3. Trump was President, not King a distinction that might cause confusion to subjects of a crown.
  4. He didn’t give ‘definitive proof of a felony’. He made a logical argument of what would constitute ‘difinitive proof of a felony’. Unfortunately we have definitive proof that logical argument he made is beyond the grasp of some.
  5. Go on spill the beans. Where are you going to get the real story from?
  6. Trump was issued two documents by the FBI. A search warrant and an itemized receipt of things removed by the FBI. He’s being awfully quiet about the itemized list.
  7. Let’s pretend concerns about Trump and access to state secrets is a sudden new shock shall we?! https://www.wsj.com/articles/spies-keep-intelligence-from-donald-trump-1487209351
  8. As far as I know, and correct me if I’m wrong, but lots of people have security clearance, it doesn’t give them any rights to remove top secret documents from the place those documents belong and keep them at their own homes.
  9. Nor will we, they are lock step with Trump. As his crimes get worse they double down their support. Here we are at espionage already.
  10. Nor will we, they are lock step with Trump. As his crimes get worse they double down their support. Here we are at espionage already.
  11. The Republicans had four very sound opportunities to put distance between themselves and Trump. Two impeachments. Certification of the election result. Condemnation of the J 6 attack. They chose Trump every time.
  12. I’m not inclined to disagree with people who dislike Trump. I have far more inclination to challenge those who defend him with unsubstantiated nonsense. I trust you will allow me to decide which posts I respond to and in what manner I choose.
  13. Deal with your unsubstantiated statement I have responded to.
  14. You have made the claim that Trump is fully cooperating, it is for you to back up your claim. You don’t get to say anything you can imagine and then place the onus on others to prove the products of your imagination wrong.
  15. If Trump were fully cooperating, there would be no documents at his residence, he would have already returned them to their rightful custodian.
  16. It’s an investigation, even those suspected of espionage are afford innocence before conviction. The ‘predicate’ argument you are repeating has been blown out of the water by ThailandRyan:
  17. The warrant is the lawfully approved basis for the raid. Evidence of extremely serious crimes has been recovered. Next step, Grand Jury.
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