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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The FBI are clearly on the move. in the immediate aftermath of the raid on Mar-a-largo Scott Perry had his phone seized, the FBI are now drawing in the net around him. https://www.pennlive.com/news/2022/08/fbi-delivers-subpoenas-to-several-pa-republican-lawmakers-sources-say.html
  2. I watched Sunak’s interview last night, he made a lot of sense and was directly addressing the problems people face with practical solutions. He also, once again, exposed Truss’ plans for what they are, a tax give away to Corporations and the already wealthy with nothing but hopes of jam tomorrow for the people struggling to pay bills and feed themselves. He would be a difficult leader to beat in an election. Not so Truss. Addressing your remarks about his future, he comes across very much as ‘old school Tory’ leaning more towards a Liberal than towards the swivel eyed loons of the ERG.
  3. What bit about Trump continuing to claim the election was stolen from him did you not understand? What but about the attack on the Capitol to stop the certification of the election evaded you? Trump has no intention of fading away. He’s never once in his life been held to account. That’s about to change.
  4. AG Garland has a history of quietly running leak proof investigations that methodically build into successful prosecutions. Both sides of the media have for their own reasons portrayed the DoJ silence to be evidence that Trump had got away with it all. The existence of crImes like the existence of Grand Juries was hiding in plain sight. Trump’s removal of classified documents was already reported, as was his habit of destroying documents. Arrests and searchers were being made. The Justice machine is turning, searches, arrests and indictments are underway. I know why the rightwing wish to deny these facts, I have absolutely no idea why so many on the left freely join them in doing so. Justice is coming.
  5. Agreed. The woman in question and FB are subject to the law. Online comments are subject to the law. Courts have authority to compel online businesses to reveal data pertinent to criminal investigations. None of this should surprise anyone.
  6. Trump is right about one thing, no former President has ever been treated like this before. The FBI are very clearly treating him like a common criminal.
  7. Of course there is no confusion over any of that. It’s aligned with the corrections I and others made to your earlier ill informed nonsense. I just don’t understand your difficulty admitting you were wrong.
  8. The FBI do not ‘need to obtain permission [from the AG] before conducting raids’. Once again you let loose the fact of your lack of understanding what it is you are talking about. I suggest you stop digging.
  9. Still walking back your initial ill informed post. Though it’s not all bad news, you’ve demonstrated you can be corrected even if you struggle when it comes to admitting you were wrong.
  10. I’m good with raid. FBI raid in pursuance with a lawfully issued search warrant.
  11. Don’t waste your time. He’s never going to believe anything that the FBI turn up, not evidence, not indictments, not guilty verdicts. He’s an example of Trump’s 5th Avenue witnesses.
  12. Trump supporter histrionics gets picked up by internet analytics.
  13. Nobody who is not a Trump supporter is upset by this, and as I say many of those who are upset by it don’t have a vote anyway.
  14. Arguably overt interference in a criminal investigation.
  15. There aren’t enough Trump supporters to worry about and they are in any case always angry always believing anything Trump tells them. As he said himself, ‘he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue’. Forget about Trump’s supporters, many of whom don’t have a vote. It’s swing voters and middle America that will decide the next election.
  16. No you were not,. Stop gaslighting, own your own posts or be owned by them:
  17. Some Democrats, others have observed Garland’s past record of conducting thorough , leak proof and effective criminal investigations of large coordinated criminal enterprises.
  18. Of course the FBI ran this by Garland, it’s public knowledge that the DoJ are themselves investigating Trump. All evidence of the FBI and the DoJ being cautious and professional.
  19. Oh I see, having made an unequivocally ill informed post, and been called out for not knowing what you are talking about, you do some internet searching and come back with a second bite of the sour cherry. The nonsense of your first post remains. You’ve confirmed you can do a search for facts, albeit after first having embarrassed yourself by posting nonsense you should have checked before hitting the send button.
  20. Scott Perry is now feeling the FBI lurv: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-scott-perry-fbi-phone-b2141916.html?amp
  21. Trump appointees fall into two groups. Those he later vilified and those facing criminal investigation/prosecution/prison time.
  22. As I said earlier, somebody pointed at the safe and handed the FBI what they needed to get a warrant to bust the safe open.
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