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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. There was far less poverty. The NHS was not collapsing. NHS waiting lists were shorter. People could find a GP/Dentist There were thousands more police officers and they answered 999 calls. Poverty wasn’t causing millions of people in the UK to regularly skipping meals. Welfare and public services were fully funded. The economy wasn’t stagnant. Billions of tax payer’s money was not being handed to old school chums. Oh, and taxes were lower.
  2. The people who vote for Abbot don’t have a problem with her. She does a good job representing them, not representing ‘Old school chums’ and ‘Russian oligarchs’.
  3. Yes, Labour have been out of power for over a decade, and likewise the Tories have been in power for the same 12 years. So if there are problems in the UK the Tories have had time to fix them ( or cause them): Poverty and the cost of living crisis. The crumbling NHS and ever increasing waiting lists. Mental health services overwhelmed by demand. The housing crisis. Homelessness. The social care crisis. Failing public services across all sectors. The collapse of policing in communities. Air transport chaos. Stagnant economic growth. Corruption of ‘Chumocracy’ in Government. Skills shortages and worker shortages. UK borders open to all forms of smuggling. The list goes on. 12 years in Government, it’s all on the Tories.
  4. Lap it up: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2022/jul/05/boris-johnson-accused-not-telling-truth-chris-pincher-politics-live
  5. Their freedoms don’t detract from your own, so yes rejoice in others enjoying the same freedoms as you have all your life.
  6. I think we are still allowed to use a ‘Rainbow Pedestrian Crossing’, except of course those living in parts of the world were being gay is a crime subject to severe penalties. I say, rejoice in the freedoms others have.
  7. I meant precisely what I wrote. Just like a rainbow pedestrian crossing isn’t a message daring you to object in order to accuse you of homophobia. I avoid all these confusing secret messages by not being in the slightest bothered about other people’s sexuality.
  8. Why does it matter, why does somebody else’s sexuality grab so much of your attention?
  9. Be assured, rightwing political leaders and the hyper wealthy funding rightwing political campaigns are not restricting the education of their own children to ‘Math and Science’. There’s a reason for that.
  10. It’s also time for the question ‘why was he given the job in the first place when his behavior was already known about?’.
  11. Why would NY be concerned with old folk moving to Florida, they’re taking all their health and welfare needs With them.
  12. There again you don’t know there’s more to education than maths and science.
  13. Apparently Johnson didn’t know anyone in the police or security services to report his concerns to.
  14. We’ve already dealt with your myopic utilitarian view of education. Now let’s deal with your ‘learning identity’. I wonder if that extends to learning about heterosexual identity, should all heterosexual images be removed from schools, should all heterosexual themed literature and art be removed from schools. Or is it just the non-heterosexual stuff that bothers you?
  15. If non of the events being investigated and exposed by the Jan 6 Hearings are criminal, then Trump and the rightwing supporters of those events have nothing to worry about. Likewise those eager to downplay the events of Jan 6 need only sit back and wait for the investigation to ‘fizzle out’. They can all relax and be as chilled as they tell us they are.
  16. You are obviously not paying attention to rightwing’s fixation on other people’s sexuality.
  17. It’s difficult to argue that the levels of gun violence in the US are not related to something about the US. Unless you are arguing the US has massively more ‘sick individuals’ per capita than every other developed nation on the planet. There is clearly something very peculiar about the US that gives rise to so much gun violence. Your arguments wrt the nationality of commentators here on this forum are the exact same arguments made by others who object to discussion of bare faced problems in their own home country. Fir sure there are many who hold ‘anti-American’ views, but don’t let that distract you from the obscenity of gun violence in the US. Rise above petty nationalism and address this sickness in US society.
  18. How do you know what she said on private were her honest feelings? Who was the text to? In what context was the text framed? Her statements to Congress were under oath and therefore framed in the context of criminal liability if she lied. She’s stated what others have reported to her, she has named who these others are. The veracity of her statements is easily confirmed by getting the sworn testimony of those she has referred to. That it is, subject to those individuals answering subpoenas and not taking the 5th.
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