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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Well that and attempts to drum up fake votes in Georgia and the little matter of fake slates of Electors (dumb enough to sign their names and submit their forgeries to the National Archive).
  2. While people who actually believe in democracy work to get the vote out. In the time honored democratic tradition of voters choosing representatives not representatives choosing voters.
  3. But it’s not a significant problem in the US, as stated by Bill Barr under oath.
  4. Curious, given that when right-wingers bring up the supposed left wing bias of MSM, I frequently point out that it is the right-wing media that has the highest audience numbers.
  5. In terms of public perception of Trump what matters is how many people read and read trust the Washington Examiner.
  6. What’s that got to do with right-wing fragility wrt the teaching of America’s history of slavery?
  7. This obviously didn’t stay at the Carlton Club’. You victim blaming is noted.
  8. Well I’m grant you, it bothers right-wingers obsessed with race and victimization. People too fragile to face the history of their own nation.
  9. Nobody says slavery was a uniquely American problem. Lots of people don’t like American children being taught the history of American slavery.
  10. It’s a start. Then move on to discussing the real history of slavery in the US.
  11. And there lies the problem for both of them. They’ll fight like cat and dog. Divide and rule.
  12. Given your arguments in favor of education that closes minds to uncomfortable historical facts it…
  13. CRT is not taught in school. You have a very narrow view of what education is for, that curiously centers on avoiding stuff that disturbs your world view.
  14. You propose a utilitarian education, void of discussing facts of life and history that you and the political right are uncomfortable with; and then have the front to suggest education beyond your own narrow aims is ‘programming’.
  15. Ah the utilitarian view of eduction raises its ugly head. Apart from creating dull and sterile minds good for nothing but working, let us remind ourselves: “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Winston Churchill.
  16. Except he clearly has not, otherwise he’d not be messing around with the Brexit treaty he signed.
  17. Muck can’t be raked unless there is muck to be raked. Another day another pile of Tory muck exposed.
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