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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Again, claims lacking corroboration. Activities by rightwing extremists forced a retrial of abusers convicted of rape and in doing so caused the victims to have to give evidence in court twice - FACT!
  2. Idle Brits refusing to work is absolutely nothing to do with unions. Inflation is an undeniable issue, most working people have never experienced the level of inflation the UK is experiencing, and it’s getting worse. Importantly, that inflation has not been caused by increases in worker pay - pay demands are a result of inflation.
  3. But people were arrested, convictions were secured during Starmer’s tenure at DPP. (Refer time line link I already provided). There were problems securing convictions after activities by rightwing extremists forced retrials of abusers, and in doing so caused further distress to victims who had to give evidence in court twice.
  4. Naz Shah was very rightly criticized from across the political spectrum. The tweet she ‘liked’ and ‘shared’ was parody, which she clearly did not understand. How it supports your earlier claims is a mystery, she made idiotic response in 2017, it clearly had zero impact on the appalling systematic failures in policing, child services or Rotherham council. Now, let’s have your evidence that the ‘Rightwing’ were ahead of the timeline on this matter?
  5. It took a while for that crass stupidity to sink in. Pelosi out smarted McCarthy, played him like a fiddle.
  6. There’s only one poll that matters and that had a lead of over 7,000,000 votes in favor of Biden.
  7. You remember the Far Right, and the Extreme Far Right, trying to capitalize on this news after the fact. The actual timeline is as follows: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28955170.amp Feel free to provide documented and contemporaneously dated evidence of the ‘Right Wing’ being ahead of the timeline on this matter. As has been demonstrated by multiple investigations there were complete systematic failings on the part of the police, child services and Rotherham council. Your accusations of political interference are nonsense, ask ‘lefty’ Jack Straw.
  8. What she said under oath is admissible as evidence her father was lying in everything he said/claimed about the ‘Big Steal’. She threw her ‘Daddy’ under the bus. Everything she said in a documentary is an attempt to massage her image.
  9. I understand Ivanka isn’t feeling the gentle touch of Daddy’s tiny hands on her shoulder these days. Apparently something to do with her telling the truth under oath.
  10. I say your post is little more than conspiracy hogwash. Baseless accusations coated with bias.
  11. He didn’t say criminal trial, it’s not a criminal trial, it’s a Congressional Investigation. There’s plenty of ‘cooperation’ in the form of sworn testimony and evidence submitted by members of Trump’s administration, some of which where hand picked by Trump himself.
  12. Have you got anything to say about the corroborated sworn testimony and evidence being revealed by the committee’s investigation?
  13. The absolute number (nearly 6 in 10) is not the number to watch. What matters is the relative change in the numbers. That change will not come from hard pro/anti Trump supporters but from the moderate middle ground. It’s the moderate middle that swings elections.
  14. Nonsense. The unions did not destroy British Industry, that was done with government policies and decades of underinvestment. You might recall Maggie’s ‘post industrial age’ speech. Workers rights were indeed won by union action, and are being stripped away in the absence of Union action. Rights won can and are being removed. Unionized workers and collective bargaining are a perfect example of the ‘Free Market’ in action. Yes there are about 1.3million vacancies in the UK right now, there is also inflation. Workers are in a very good position to bargain for better pay and workers in unions are in an even better position. And for the record, inflation has arrived before pay increases, pay increases are not the cause of inflation.
  15. The Committee has the authority to request DoJ investigations and is already handing over records of sworn testimony from the hearings.
  16. The actual judicial test is ‘can it be proved beyond reasonable doubt that accused did know’. Multiple corroborating sworn testimony from the people who’s job it was to advise Trump is exactly the kind of evidence that achieves ‘beyond reasonable doubt’.
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