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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The warnings go back to the Regan Presidency. I worked on engineering designs for the gas compression control scheme, the company I worked for was subject to US Government sanctions for having taken the contract. But it was the 80’s and the choice was, take the contract or go bust.
  2. Have a word with yourself. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/02/26/europe/ukraine-zelensky-evacuation-intl/index.html
  3. Putin has 100% control over news, media and education and backs it all up with a network of secret police and spies. 80% isn’t under those circumstances such a high number. However, he does have the backing of foreign apologists and apeaseniks.
  4. The freedoms and liberties Europeans enjoy today were paid for by those killed in the fight against the Axis, it’s not a fight that worked out well for those killed but millions did return home and for them and their descendants it worked out very well. Why can’t Ukraine defeat Russia? Yes, Russia has in the passed ‘ruled’ Ukraine, the Ukrainian’s don’t need reminding of how that worked out for them. Nevertheless, the Russians are committed atrocities and war crimes to remind them. Away with your support for appeasing a tyrant. ’Peace in our time’.
  5. Because the vast majority of people in NZ are vaccinated,
  6. Why would being divorced be a barrier to coming to Thailand?
  7. I'm planning a trip to Europe, my first since the COVID Pandemic, I expect to remain there for around 3 to 4 months before returning to Thailand. When I return I shall be brining around 50-60Kgs of baggage, Since I wish to take direct flights my airline options are limited to ThaiAirways. The problem with this is ThaiAirways have exorbitant charges for extra baggage, the quoted fees for an extra 30Kg exceed the cost of the airfare. Does anyone have any tips on how to get a cheaper baggage rate out of ThaiAirways or is there no way to reduce these costs without changing carrier?
  8. We can be sure ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ is central to the Russian plan to carve off sections of Ukraine. There is no possibility of Russia maintaining control over any part of Ukraine if ethnic Ukrainians remain in those areas in any significant numbers. Putin will therefore seek to remove ethnic Ukrainians from areas he wishes to control, he can do this be three methods; physically transporting ethnic Ukrainians out of these areas, terrorizing Ukrainians to flee from these areas or, as voices in Russian media are calling for, a ‘final solution’. Be assured, ethnic cleansing is part of Putin’s plan.
  9. What like ‘Don’t illegally and without provocation invade other countries’?!
  10. wonderful news: Superbly qualified Judge nominated to the SCOTUS, and is the only Judge on on the bench of the SCOTUS with experience representing poor and blue collar Americans in the justice system. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/apr/07/ketanji-brown-jackson-confirmation-us-supreme-court
  11. The effectiveness of these anti tank weapons has been demonstrated enough times already that it is doubtless the Russian tank crews have zero faith in the death traps they are riding in. I wonder how often the term ‘Javlin’ is heard spoken out loud, let alone eating their insides out.
  12. The atrocities and war crimes being committed by the Russians will serve to ensure the Ukrainian’s fight that bit harder. There is far too much at stake for them not to respond otherwise.
  13. That’s bad news. Nigel was giving great service fixing problems in one visit, and not, as many do, stringing patients on with multiple ineffective money syphoning half treatments.
  14. From the people tossing the bodies of murdered civilians into mass graves.
  15. I guess the fact Putin has yet to reach the murderous excesses of others excuses his current illegal invasion, atrocities and war crimes. Well, in the mind of some.
  16. The Russians have set themselves up for a protracted asymmetric war with a well trained, motivated military and non conventional opponent that has a limitless access to sophisticated and lethal portable weaponry. There is absolutely no need to supply any weapons capable of reaching Moscow or anywhere much beyond Ukrainian’s borders. The Ukrainians will fertilize Ukrainian soil with Russian blood. Russia will keep sending its youth to catch Ukrainian bullets and shrapnel until it dawns on them the cost isn’t worth paying.
  17. Russia has a military of just over 1 million personnel, of which nearly 20% are now deployed to Ukraine where they are demonstrating their abundant failings across command, through equipment to grunts in the mud. I don’t know if you know this or not, but Russia has rather long borders with multiple nations, all of which are guarded by this same poorly equipped, poorly commanded and corrupt military. Of course Putin could start thinning out his already questionable border units to bolster his failures in Ukraine or he could start admitting to the Russian public that it’s going so badly that he needs to start conscripting and partially training more lambs for the slaughter. So yes, you have a point, Putin could increase the numbers of ill trained, ill equipped, poorly commanded, sullen youths. After all, he probably sees no need to feed and equip them. if each does his duty to stop a Ukrainian bullet, eventually the Ukrainians will have no bullets left.
  18. It is common for nations to have a founding myth, or factual historical struggle, often violent, that holds a place in the minds of the citizens as the moment or events that separates their nation from others. Contrary to Russian revisionist claims that Ukraine is part of Russia, Putin’s illegal and unprovoked invasion is providing Ukrainians with precisely the ‘founding moment’ that unifies a nation. Yet one more example of Putin’s miscalculations.
  19. Your pension provider will make payments to your wife and when they do so they will notify the HMRC who will then issue a tax code for your wife to your pension provider. She will receive a personal allowance regardless of where she lives. (Of course tgat could change). Make sure your wife is named in your expression of wishes and that she has an account ready to receive your pension. She’ll probably need someone to help her through the process, so a friend or relative who is willing to help and is aware of your pension provisions is a good idea. Also be aware, if there is a significant age difference (normally anything over 7 years) between you and your wife this will result in a reduction of the pension she is paid. On the upside if you have dependent children, they may be entitled to a pension, I suggest you compile a file of relevant documents, pension records, addresses, contact details, copies of marriage certificate, birth certificates, a copy of applicable pension rules and a copy of your expression of wishes. Seal these in an envelope where your wife can find them and explain these to whoever it is will help your wife in the process.
  20. Not much from you on the credible reports of Russian atrocities, including raping women in areas they control. Rules of war work both ways comrade.
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