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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Thank you. No, no pictures. The house is very recognizable and therefore it’s owner identifiable. I will however share design principles for those who are interested: Bucking the ‘Thais don’t know how to build houses/lay brickwork/install safe electrics etc’. I took traditional Thai houses as a starting point for how to build a house suited to the climate. The house is designed for passive cooling. I’ve install a/c units in the bedrooms and the reception room but these are seldom used. The build is timber and brick with a terracotta roof. Shading: The roofs overhang by one meter to cast shade on the walls, the East face has a covered verandah to cast shade (both these methods of shading were already mentioned by Khun La). I’ve orientated the house wrt to the Sun path and existing trees to maximize natural shading and planted more trees after the build was complete to fill gaps in the shade. Bathrooms are orientated to sunlight and prevailing wind to aid drying after use. Airflow: I’ve followed traditional Thai building practice to encourage airflow. With the exception of the bathrooms all windows are fitted with wooden shutters but no glass (or bars). All rooms have shuttered windows on two or three aspects, to create cross flow. The bathrooms have frosted glass hinged windows above head height and on three aspects. The roof space is open, not enclosed with a ceiling, tiles are terracotta, this is water proof while maximizing airflow. All rooms have overhead fans. Separate Kitchen Building: The kitchen has the same design features to the house but, following Thai traditional practices, is a separate building; thereby keeping cooking heat and cooking smells out of the house. Safe haven for insects and pests: I have not used cavity wall construction which creates a safe haven for insects and pests. How this works together as a whole: Throughout the day, morning until dusk, windows shutters and verandah doors are left open, enabling a movement of air through the house, the temperature is comfortable throughout the day. As dusk falls and for the first hour of the evening window shutters and doors are closed to avoid mosquitoes at their most active. Depending on the weather A/C might be used if there is too much residual heat in the walls. One hour after dusk (after the nozzles have calmed down) the windows and doors are opened again and remain open to bedtime. I occasionally put the bedroom a/c on for an hour at bedtime, but it is only occasionally. Changes I would make with hindsight: I would install a fireplace, it gets chilly in the winter. Actually, I considered a hypercaust but thought it might cause problems with the floors so in the end gave it a miss.
  2. I hope the board of experts will forgive me for having recently built a house in Thailand without the use of any materials applied as thermal insulation. And while you gag on that shocking revelation, I definitely did not use any cavity walls either.
  3. He can’t negotiate unless Russia are negotiating too. But oddly you only see Ukraine backing down.
  4. The death of people on both sides started with Russia’s illegal and unprovoked invasion, I don’t see much criticism of that from you. People will naturally fight to defend their homeland, the Ukrainians are clearly doing so and will continue to do so. This is a reality you fail to address.
  5. Nobody here is ‘cheering the death and destruction of a country’. You are arguing for the complete surrender of a free people in a sovereign nation to an murderous villain who has ordered an illegal and unprovoked invasion of that sovereign nation. You seem, for some reason, to believe the Ukrainian’s are bringing death upon themselves (victim blaming) for not surrendering in the face of this illegal unprovoked invasion of their sovereign nation and that somehow they might consider it a good idea to surrender to an invading army that is targeting civilians and committing numerous atrocities and war crimes. It’s not at all unreasonable for anyone viewing the combined sense and direction of your posts to conclude you are actively promoting the aims and objectives of Putin’s criminal invasion. You sir protest your ‘Bothsideism’ a little too much.
  6. They are also Ukrainian sovereign territory, tge Russians have zero right to be there. Pausing in their efforts to murder civilians is not something the Russians deserve any credit for.
  7. Stunning response from members of the British public to the plight of Ukrainian refugees: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/15/homes-for-ukraine-website-crashes-refugees
  8. The use of ‘humanitarian corridors’ goes back at least as far as WW2, Tge Kindertransports are an example.
  9. A convenient line of logic for those wishing to parrot propaganda.
  10. And while parroting the propaganda they’ve been fed, making the claim to be ‘free thinkers’.
  11. You thought wrongly. The Russian claims of Ukrainian shelling parts of Ukraine are the pretext for Russia’s illegal invasion.
  12. Whataboutary. You chose to put up the video and draw our attention to the question asked. Having done so you now object to the obvious problems of Russia’s credibility as it relates to the claims Russia has made. Russia’s statements wrt not invading -lies. Russia’s statements wrt not having invaded - laugh out loud lies. Russia’s statements wrt to Ukrainian Biological Weapons programs - Dangerous lies. The list goes on. So please, don’t put up posts based on Russian statements and then object to others questioning the truth of Russia’s claims. And for the record, Russia killing a single Ukrainian child is one dead Ukrainian child too many, don’t go obfuscating that fact with pedantry over the actual numbers of Ukrainian children Russia has killed.
  13. The accusation of the attack raised in the question is one made by Russia and has not been independently verified. I note too that the person asking the question failed to identify himself.
  14. There is absolutely nothing ‘voluntary’ in the predicament the Ukranians have had force upon them. Quit with your victim blaming and support for the viscous aggressor.
  15. Let’s just examine this blind obedience to Putin’s ‘right’ to do as he pleases. Ukraine is a sovereign nation and as a sovereign nation has the absolute right and duty to defend its territorial integrity. To do so Ukrainian needs weapons. As a sovereign nation Ukrainian has an absolute right to acquire and deploy any weapons that do not breach international law/treaties/conventions in pursuit of its right and duty to defend its territorial integrity. If a rogue nation illegally attacks Ukraine it is the rogue nation’s illegal attack that is the cause of all ensuing deaths and distruction. If the rogue nation does not illegally attack, the deaths and distraction do not occur. Only a blind obedient to the lies and propaganda of such a rogue nation would argue otherwise.
  16. Ukraine is a sovereign nation, there’s nothing amusing in any of this.
  17. China is waiting to buy up Russian natural resources at bargain basement prices as the Russian economy collapses. Why wouldn’t they?!
  18. Missiles fired by Russia during their illegal invasion of a sovereign nation.
  19. Nevermind Oliver Stone, he was not a US President doing Putin’s bidding, praising Putin at every turn while at the same time trying to extort Zalenskyy with the threat of withholding the military aid Ukraine needed to defend itself against Russia.
  20. During the WW2 Nazi bombing of British cities the British government sent teams of psychologists into bombed cities to asses the impact of the bombing on the affected populations. What they discovered was, far from destroying public moral, the bombing of cities actually strengthened resolve and increased civil unity amongst the affected populations. Putin is not going to break the resolve of the Ukrainian people.
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