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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Like I say, complain that he doesn’t talk about Pakistan then complain more when he talks about Gaza. Some folk are only happy when they’re miserable.
  2. That didn’t age very well did it Barra? There’s a thread open on the attack, see you over there.
  3. That you, given your posting history, agree with Musk calling Yousaf a racist is not at all a surprise.
  4. Humza Yousef is elected to represent the people of Scotland, if he were complaining about stuff in Pakistan I expect there would be complaints he should stick to representing the people of Scotland.
  5. Stunning bravery and quick life saving action by Abdullah. The right man in the right place at the right time. Well done young man, your hero.
  6. Did I say I was in ‘happy with’ any of the things you are enjoying imagining I’m ‘happy with’. No I did not. What I have said is I support the police, the courts and the CPS arresting, prosecuting and imprisoning rioters and thugs. Perhaps a little less time spent imagining things to feed your outrage.
  7. Oh, you’re stroking your grievance again. Poor hard done by you. Rioters getting arrested for rioting, whatever next?!
  8. Rioting, destroying property, committing arson, looting businesses, attacking a completely innocent community and violently assaulting police officers, is not dissent, it’s lawless thuggery. Perhaps you would be happier if these thugs were allowed to continue their violent crime spree.
  9. I have no idea what he was referring to, he’s barely coherent these days. If you want to help him, just make sure he gets home safe.
  10. That doesn’t make sense. I have on a number of occasions stated others and anyone who commits crimes should face arrest/investigation and prosecution. But honestly Jonny, the crackdown on these violent rioters this past week has been a very good thing for law and order. Don’t you agree?
  11. Again Transam. ’My lot’ What on earth are you talking about?
  12. What’s wrong with recognizing vlearly heroic actions and the hero who performs them?
  13. Making stuff up again Jonny. The laws have not been enforced ‘brutally’ and not only one specific group, other that is than the people rioting, destroying property, committing arson, looting businesses, attacking a completely innocent community and violently assaulting police officers. Show trials? In which the thugs confess their guilt! Stalin? I am very pleased to see the new Labour Government cracking down on all this violent rioting. It would seem you are not.
  14. Enforcing the laws against rioting, damaging property, arson, an attack on a completely innocent community and violent assaulting police officers is ‘the boot of Stalin’? Have lost all sense of scale?
  15. I’ll revise what I said above. It longer seems you are letting your imagination run wild, you’ve just confirmed it. Let’s have your evidence to back this unequivocal claim you just made: “Female athletes work their whole lives to get beat up by a bloke and you think it's marvellous.” A quote from me to support that claim would do. Go on Jonny, give it your best go.
  16. Patience Jonny, over four hundred thugs arrested, it takes time to process them through the courts. But a start has been made, take a look, the news of these thugs being locked up will surely cheer you up: https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/uk-news/everyone-who-been-jailed-far-29715124
  17. It seems you are letting you imagination get the better of you again.
  18. And yet I have previously replied to this false claim of yours with credible reporting Muslims who have been arrested, charged and are awaiting trial.
  19. Oh the grievance, the seething grievance of it all. Jonny, nobody got arrested, convicted or sentenced for waving a St George flag. Stop making stuff up.
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