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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. We know why there are no far right left on the streets. They got the message. Riot, destroy property, burn cars, loot businesses, attack a completely innocent community, violently assault the police and you will be arrested, you will go to court and you will go to prison. The message got through their thick sculls. Job’s a good ‘un.
  2. I’ve no idea. Send the video to the police, let them check it out for you.
  3. Why are the police, courts, CPS cracking down of coordinated rioting across the country that has resulted in property damage, arson, businesses being looted, a completely innocent community being attacked and violent assault of police officers? Enjoy your video, I gather it has nothing to do with the topic under discussion, though perhaps a useful prop to hold up your self stroked grievance.
  4. You have a link to this hoax? Who claims it to be a hoax? Where is their evidence of it being a hoax? Link please.
  5. You, I nor anyone will know what led to this attack until the murderer is sent to trial. The far rightwing thugs rioting, destroying property, burning cars, looting businesses, attacking a completely innocent community and violently assaulting the police is a direct result of deliberate misinformation directing them to attack that completely innocent community. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13717363/amp/Britain-far-right-riots-list-tonight-police.html
  6. There’s definitely a pattern Jonny. No amount of science or facts can get you off your pattern behavior.
  7. The UK populace turning out in the tens of thousands to peacefully oppose the rightwing thugs. Together with swift and decisive action by the police, the CPS, the courts and the Government, they have restored order to the streets. Arrests and prosecutions shall continue in the days, weeks and months ahead. And then there’s this: https://yougov.co.uk/politics/articles/50257-the-public-reaction-to-the-2024-riots
  8. Rioting, destroying property, arson, attacking a completely innocent community and violently assaulting police officers is not ‘decent’. It’s thuggery. I’m delighted to see it getting the attention it deserves from the police, the CPS, the courts and the Government.
  9. 1. The rightwing banging on about the threat from immigrants is a perfect example. 2. I don’t dispute you believe your fears, but that doesn’t make them well founded. 3. Of course there’s a far right in the UK, please at least try to make sensible arguments: https://crestresearch.ac.uk/download/2268/17-001-02.pdf
  10. The prospect t of 10 years seems to have new enough to restore enough sense for the thugs to climb back into their box.
  11. It’s over. Or rather it’s all over except for sobbing and calling for mummy in the dock: Planned far-right rallies did not materialise over the weekend, amid a large turnout of anti-racist protesters and comments from the director of public prosecutions that rioters could end up with 10-year prison sentences. Meanwhile, Stephen Parkinson, the director of public prosecutions, said hundreds more people accused of rioting would be brought before the courts in the coming days, particularly those with “more serious charges”. Lengthy sentences of up to 10 years would be handed out for those directly involved in the rioting, Parkinson said. “We warned of the consequences and will deliver those consequences,” he said. “It’s not about exacting revenge, it’s about delivering justice.” https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/aug/11/far-right-demonstrations-abandoned-amid-warnings-of-10-year-sentences
  12. 1. The use of the police to put an end to rioting, property damage, arson, attacks on a completely innocent community and violent assault of the police officers, by rightwing thugs. 2. A product of your own paranoia. 3. Division in society, what are you on about? Tens of thousands of law abiding people up and down the country have taken to the streets to peacefully protest against the ‘far right’ thugs committing crimes listed in #1 above. This is not division, it’s unity of the general public against rioters committing crimes, many of whom already had previous criminal records. Once again you are here defending the rioters and blaming everyone except the rightwing rioting thugs. Communities uniting against rightwing thuggery is far from ‘on a very dark path’, except of course for the rightwing thugs. Give it up already, it’s over. Justice is coming for the rioters, the looters, the arsonists, and those who incited this rightwing mayhem.
  13. Bat Guano crazy stuff. You don’t even try to disguise it with a semblance of reality.
  14. Every promise Reform and the carpet bagging carnival barker Farage made in the run up to the election was made in the full knowledge that they would never have to deliver any of it. And you believed their ‘promises’. You didn’t go I their website did you? There’s an odds on chance they stole your data if you did.
  15. What do you mean if people are allowed a free vote in five years time? Have you lost touch with reality?
  16. That’s an odd claim given I’ve never made any such statement. Maybe others having their own thoughts is such a problem for you that you have to invent thoughts on their behalf.
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