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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Nah, it’s your inability to understand which laws he broke. Nobody has ‘been sent to prison for shouting at police’. Feel free to post the actual convictions handed down by the courts if you believe otherwise.
  2. Either Smith is adjusting his indictment to comply with the SCOTUS ruling, new evidence has come to light, or he has a newly cooperating witness. Smith asking for a delay is not good for Trump.
  3. Excellent. Though not good news for those promoting the ‘two tier justice lie’.
  4. That’s what happens when a Government fails to clear asylum claims and leaves both genuine and bogus claimants rotting for years in tax payer funded accommodation. Over 100,000 asylum cases left in cleared while cuts made to i migration service budgets. A Tory failure left for Labour to sort out.
  5. So there goes your faux outrage over police brutality. Let’s not waste any more time with that nonsense shall we?!
  6. You do know the he police carry truncheons, and have other more assertive means at their disposal to deal with rioters? Methinks you’re engaging in hyperbole. I’m going over to the other thread to see what you had to say about a cop stamping on a guys head.
  7. The report says several people could be heard to ask ‘is he alright’? Well is he? If he is then he’s hardly been the victim of police brutality.
  8. What does ‘the evidence will suggest’ mean. It’s either evidence that shows or or evidence that proves.
  9. What’s his name, then we can both check the charges and verdict against him?
  10. I support the police using reasonable force to control a rioting crowd. I thought I had made this bit clear, I never agree with rioting. If you can first tell me ‘what’s my side’? Then you can provide examples of me supporting thuggery by what you believe to be my side? ….. Any progress on the question so asked you?
  11. I have no idea, neither do you. Your assumptions are therefore baseless.
  12. Let’s see if you can grasp this. It depends on the specifics of the situation. …… I unequivocally condemn the rioting thugs who in the aftermath of the heinous murder of three children, rioted, destroyed property, torched cars, burned a library, destroyed property and attacked a completely innocent community and their places of worship, then violently assaulted police officers. I condemn this without reservation and without offering any excuses, obfuscation or whataboutarny. Do you?
  13. You might have a more restful day if you didn’t spend so much time trying to imagine other people’s opinions.
  14. Yes, two different cases. One mass rioting, dealt with in one police forces jurisdiction. The other a violent assault with both police and those they were arresting breaking the law.
  15. You suppose wrongly. In the absence of an update on the investigation I’ll not let my imagination run riot, excuse the pun.
  16. Actually I don’t. But good morning, I see you’ve turned up for your daily fix.
  17. I have absolutely no idea. I would expect her to at the very least be dismissed and yes, I agree her actions should be investigated. I’m delighted to see you agree with me that incitement is in itself a crime, deserving of consequences both personal and criminal.
  18. First off I don’t recall the last time I saw the juxtaposition ‘Rightwing homophobic’ used on this forum, certainly I haven’t seen it used in this discussion or any discussion of the ongoing rightwing riots. Secondly, I have made very clear the distinction I draw between rightwing and extreme rightwing/far rightwing. There are a handful of members on this forum who are from the political rightwing who I have distinct disagreement with on a number of issues, but who have not hesitated to call out racism, Islamophobia and the scapegoating of an entirely innocent community. One rightwing member in particular who frequently posts accurate and fact based rebuttals to many of the lies and misinformation used by the extreme/far right against immigrants. The issue is clearly not left/right, rather rational and considered v extremism and ignorance. People have clearly been manipulated and directed against a completely innocent community, normally law abiding citizens have joined with career criminals to riot, destroy property, torch cars, burn a library, loot businesses, attack an innocent community and violently assault the police. The riots are coordinated and directed. Ask yourself the old age question. Who benefits? That’s who is behind this.
  19. I would be more than a little surprised if you had even heard of him before this week.
  20. They were jailed for violent disorder, a crime they both confessed to. Mailen was more than simply shouting at police officers, he kicked one. https://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teesside-news/couple-very-forefront-mob-first-29701034?int_source=amp_continue_reading&int_medium=amp&int_campaign=continue_reading_button#amp-readmore-target
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