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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. What was it you said earlier?: “No, I can’t provide a link, it’s just my own pessimistic prediction,“ However, you could look at the past history of pandemics and observe the fact that they eventually disappear as the virus that caused them mutates until it eventually ceases to be a public health treat and/or disappears. But of course that would not fit your predilection to ‘pessimistic prediction’ and certainly undermines your ‘endless booster’ doom mongering.
  2. “They will also never accept that the vaccine is ineffective, you just need more boosters.” Of course, not because claims of the vaccines being ineffective are a lie. The data demonstrates the effectiveness of vaccines, fewer serious illnesses, fewer hospitalizations and few deaths.
  3. That didn’t take long: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/jan/13/veterans-ask-queen-to-strip-prince-andrew-of-honorary-military-titles
  4. Endless booster shots for every is a figment of your own imagination.
  5. No it’s not. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1109281/covid-19-daily-deaths-compared-to-all-causes/
  6. Neither, but if you think the ‘court of public opinion’ doesn’t exist and doesn’t matter, watch what happens to Prince Andrew. He’s already losing his positions as head of charities and foundations. He’s in a world of hurt right now and almost all of it relates to the impact of this case on his public image and the image of an institution into which he was born.
  7. He’s not being tried in a criminal court (well not yet anyway). He is however on trial in the court of public opinion and his efforts to avoid a civil hearing, failed as they have, are not helping the commonly held verdict against him.
  8. “So the number of "from Covid" deaths would be about 32,500 in the UK and the "withCovid" would be 150,000 if that is correct. “ The UK’s ONS, who’s job it is to collect and present the data have stated the actual death count exceeds 175,000. Perhaps you’d like to explain the disparity between your statement I have placed in quotes above and the ONS data. The UK’s procedures for recording cause of death are available and you might want to make reference to them when making your reply.
  9. You get your views on COVID from Zero Hedge. Righty-o! (Pun intended). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_Hedge
  10. Well I agree, accusations of trolling are not acceptable without good evidence to back them up. I do still caution everyone on sharing personal information and especially anything to do with people you care about. I’ve too often seen such information abused.
  11. Selectively misrepresenting facts again. Vaccinated individuals are dramatically less likely to ‘Contract COVID’ then wind up in hospital or dead with the diseases COVID causes, than are unvaccinated individuals. But of course you don’t do anti-vaccines misinformation, you just consistently selectively miss out the benefits of the vaccines.
  12. Perhaps, and it’s just a thought, you should consider the merits of leaving personal information out of discussion. I can assure you doing so will not prevent some attempting to introduce their assumptions of that which is personal to you, but their attempts will be baseless. If however you introduce a personal detail it is only to be expected that others will discuss that which you yourself have introduced.
  13. Perhaps not a surprise, It seems the UK Government couldn’t tell the truth on this: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/11/uk-covid-death-toll-ons
  14. Good night Sidney, Rest In Peace. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/jan/07/sidney-poitier-obituary
  15. The jury has found her guilty on four counts, she’s going to spend the rest of what was her gilded life behind bars: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/dec/29/ghislaine-maxwell-sex-trafficking-trial-verdict
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