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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. In the vey few posts you make that aren’t simply trolling about ‘lefties’, ‘The Guardian’ and team colours, you frequently make the hardly secret observation that Truss is a shoe-in for PM. Hardly surprising then that people ignore the obvious runner up and focus on the hair brained and fairytale policy promises of the candidate you yourself insist will be PM. If Truss is going to be PM, and it is almost certain she will, then what she has to say about her plans when PM is very rightly the stuff of critical discussion. Yes, I know, you don’t like being exposed to views you disagree with.
  2. Biden’s approval has, since the start of this thread, risen from 38% to 42.3 %. We can accept your explanation for this if we also except the number of stone cold idiots is increasing rapidly. Or we can see the reality that Biden’s approval rating has and is improving. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/
  3. The Washington Post is now reporting that Trump took boxes of classified documents with him on trips overseas. As I have already commented, the criminal investigation into Trump removing and keeping these documents is one thing. The far more serious n investigation is who got to see these documents and did Trump play a part in them seeing these documents.
  4. Let me explained why I have stated your guesses are not a diagnosis. Dementia is frequent accusation made against President Biden by right wingers, they are made without any reference to a diagnosis. They are highly offensive and inflammatory attacks. Here’s why that matters. Dementia is a dreadful disease that destroys countless lives and relationships. We can be absolutely sure that members of this forum are living with or facing Dementia, either personally, in those they love and care for, often in those that have loved and cared for them. Dementia is a dreadful disease, it has absolutely no place being used as an insult or cheap point scoring in political debate. Let’s keep the debate to the subject matter and leave dementia where it belongs, with health professionals, those who are facing it and the families and loved ones who have to deal with the consequences of this wretched disease.
  5. But you get my point, programs that lead to better chances of high incomes are the programs/schools charging very high fees.
  6. You are preaching to the converted, education in the US is way too expensive. But now go back and look at the loan debts of the recipients of this policy. Those with very high debts mostly followed law, medicine or STEM programs and have consequently moved into pay grades above which they are eligible to receive the loan write off.
  7. Maybe he’s busy doing the job he was elected to do, not out playing golf, cozying up to America’s enemies and not spending all day in Twitter fests.
  8. Says guy who discovered ‘declining cognitive decline’. There’s a unimaginable fortune to made if you can bottle the cause and sell it.
  9. I’m very much aware of that. So where’s the $100,000+ on English literature or History?
  10. Which kind of backs up my assertion that $80,000 a year isn’t a lot of money.
  11. Federal Student Debt is excluded from bankruptcy settlement, the last administration saw to that.
  12. Well yes, educated people tend to earn good salaries. Not always, but in general they do. They also pay higher taxes and contribute to the economy.
  13. It’s not a high salary, not by a very long way.
  14. Truck drivers are looking down the barrel of being replaced by self drive vehicles. It’s not a job I’d advise anyone to go into right now.
  15. Can provide evidence of people accumulating $100,000+ studying English Literature or History?
  16. Because incomes of graduates are skewed higher than those of non graduates. But please, $80,000 per year is not a lot of money. It’s not by any means a high income.
  17. The line has to drawn somewhere. Wherever it is drawn you’d be handed a rightwing talking point to regurgitate here. The cut-off includes around 95 % of people holding student debt and only excludes the wealthy.
  18. No individual with an annual income over $125,000 is getting any of this relief. It’s going to middle income and low income individuals. And remember the Rightwing bleat, it’s the rich who pay most the taxes.
  19. Yes we do, but we also need lots of other kinds of education too. https://www.arts.gov/news/press-releases/2018/arts-contribute-more-760-billion-us-economy
  20. The aforementioned ‘Dance people’ don’t exist. This has been explained to you.
  21. The Government already took the money. And the money hasn’t disappeared, the recipients of the loan relief now have more disposable income, which gets spent, creates economic activity and generates taxes.
  22. I recall Barr making the remarks ‘Death is inevitable, legacies are meaningless’ it was chilling, a clear statement that he willingly regarded himself a pawn in the crimes he knew he was committing. His objective, theocratic control of the US, Trump a stepping stone along the route. He is a cold, calculating, evil man.

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