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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The DoJ has requested and has received transcripts if all testimony given under oath to the J6 Hearings. Now for what rational reasons might they collect this testimony?
  2. That’s what Grand Juries are for.
  3. He’s well supported by Fox News and the viewers of Fox News. Tge same Fox News that refused to broadcast live coverage of the hearings.
  4. Trump was booed because he didn’t endorse the extreme rightwing Q-Anon swivel eyed loon that the crowd want as their candidate. This does not bode well for US politics and Tge direction the rightwing is heading.
  5. Why am I not in the least bit surprised to see a member excusing, obfuscating and presenting strawman arguments to defend the appalling abuses for which the Pope is now apologizing?! This is a shameful episode in the history of Canada and the Catholic Church in Canada. There are no excuses for any of this.
  6. Can you identify a tangible benefit that Brexit has delivered?
  7. The tax payers in California include the immigrants in California , all the businesses making increased profits by employing undocumented immigrants and all the consumers paying cheaper prices for goods and services provided by the labour of cheep undocumented immigrants.
  8. That would be a great argument if there were not so many examples of nations with older demographics, and very much more generous social welfare programs funding their social welfare commitments without vast numbers of undocumented immigrants. A far simpler example is to examine the impact on the whole economy of undocumented immigrants, whole sectors of the US economy are deeply dependent on undocumented immigrants, removing that dependence would have direct impacts on the viability of many businesses and would drive up costs to consumers. The dependence on cheep undocumented immigrant workers is a direct result of the pursuit of ever lower costs/higher prices. There is only one down side to formalizing and managing immigrant worker access, the economy needs workers, the immigrants need work. That downside is documented immigrant workers would not be subject to the fears that prevent them obtaining better rates of pay and work place benefits. That would increase costs that would reduce profits and/or drive up consumer prices. The US economy and consumers is addicted to the cheep costs that come from the use of undocumented immigrants.
  9. Penalties for businesses employing undocumented immigrants would not cost billions, would not require engaging in the folly of ‘barriers and walls’, would return an income in fines and penalties and would reduce demand for undocumented workers. It would also remove the economic incentives to employ cheap undocumented workers rather than Americans and documented immigrants.
  10. You do realize he takes his cut?
  11. I think the French regard them as travelers in transit.
  12. I think they work on the principal that a problem isn’t a problem if you can get rid of it.
  13. It’s curiously fortunate how your friends show up when you have a need for them:
  14. ‘COVID checking’. What on earth are you on about?
  15. I’d stay away from writing stuff on busses if I were you. It’s not a very good idea to raise expectations then fail to deliver.
  16. Having to walk around to different supermarkets to find the stuff you want to buy. A real Brexit bonus.
  17. It takes a lot longer than 1 second, but however long it takes, it’s a procedure that only became necessary due to Brexit.
  18. It’s also not true to say there are not significant supply problems. It’s cold comfort to go shopping, only to be told to come back another time because the things you want aren’t in stock.
  19. Oh, so you have forgotten the photos were taken by the person who posted them, nothing at all to do with ‘the press’. Here’s a thing, I like anyone who goes shopping in the UK see the shortages and reduced choice options firsthand.
  20. He should take up Trainspotting because you don’t like being presented with Brexit reality?
  21. You need to be a bit more specific. What has Brexit delivered to these 66 million people for them to enjoy?

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