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Posts posted by bangkokbonecollector

  1. 18 hours ago, MRToMRT said:

    In defence of the older posters (of which I am one). They experienced a different Thailand, a more 3rd world, on the edge, ruralistic, culturally dependent, cheaper, base, developing Thailand than exists today. They simply miss those days and times. The times when Thailand was a thrilling foreign and cultural experience to the young foreigner, not the standard internationalised concrete culturally devoid capitalistic template it offers today like most other places.

    It will never be how it was when I moved here in 2003...that was a really great 4 or 5 years.

  2. A massive man-made problem is building more subterranean buildings. This takes out a lot of soil which would usually soak up some of the water. This is why around Belle Grand Condo, all those massive office buildings, the MRT and Central Rama 9, you get those massive floods which carry cars away.

  3. On 9/30/2021 at 12:11 PM, scubascuba3 said:

    Building on pillars seems a no brainer to me but they seem to prefer mopping up the <deleted> from the floods

    The media would have us thinking otherwise of course. They made the recent Greek wildfires seem like they next happened before. The granny with the fire behind her was an eco-warriors wet dream. Not to say I am not for using greener energy etc but they really do spin it hard nowadays.

  4. On 9/30/2021 at 7:42 AM, spidermike007 said:

    Palm oil can be absolutely deadly for frying. Multiple sources for that. See below. Olive oil is amazing for frying. It is all about the flash point. Rice bran oil tastes good, and is cheap here. Both are very healthy choices. 


    Research has shown that extra-virgin olive oil has a relatively high smoke point of 376°F (191°C), and is safe to use for most cooking methods, including frying.




    Rice Bran Oil is truly “The World’s Healthiest” edible oil, containing vitamins, antioxidants, nutrients and trans fat free.  It [s not just delicate and flavorful, it can help lower cholesterol, fight diseases, enhance the immune system, fight free radicals and more.  Rice Bran Oil is extremely light, versatile and delicious.  Use it to fry, saute in salad dressings, baking, dipping oils and where ever you use cooking oil.  Once you use it you will be amazed cooking light and healthy is also the best tasting. Rice bran oil is vastly superior to traditional cooking oils and can be considered a nutraceutical (food as medicine) oil that is perfect for all your healthy cooking needs.  Rice Bran Oil is quickly becoming a favorite in commercial frying to replace hydrogenated oils that contain trans fat.  This is due to rice bran oils health, flavor and performance benefits.




    Although all palm oil is high in saturated fat, oxidized palm oil presents even greater health risks. The oxidization occurs during processing for culinary use, generating toxins that adversely affect the heart, liver, kidneys and lungs. Raw, unprocessed palm oil isn't associated with these effects when fresh; however, studies link a boost in atherosclerosis development in as little as six months when reheating palm oil to cook foods.



    I concur

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 9/24/2021 at 5:03 AM, Saltire said:

    Yet another reason for the UK to have followed the French governments initative and provide both vaccine and innoculations for UK citizens. Maybe we'd have less of this BS to put up with.


    I emailed them as I am sure many did, no reply, useless.


    I wouldn't trust the Chinese vaccines so I see the UK gov's point. I am sure this will change sooner rather than later as there seems to already be a drop in cases and thousands of vaccines a day with either Astra or Pfizer.

  6. On 9/24/2021 at 10:56 AM, zappalot said:

    My wife worked as an accountant for a big contractor for high rises in Bangkok (she quit 2011). Corruption was not at all limited to between 1985 and 2000. And it was present on all levels from top management to the lower ranks, wherever someone should keep quiet about substandard procedures applied...

    I have no doubt that it is true, very scary!

  7. 35 minutes ago, Tanomazu said:

    When you have a USA where one of the most senior generals, Gen Mark Milley, has assured his Chinese counterparts that the US will not strike China, and a China where Xi Jinping is still trying to secure his power domestically the strategic value of Taiwan is precisely zero.


    You said "they can't do <deleted> to the world", as if China had some secret plan to conquer the world. Nothing could be further from reality really.

    Can't do <deleted> to the world and secret plan to take over the world are very two different comments. Yeah I do realise the CCP's bravado is just to drum up nationalistic support in order to maintain control just like the 'random' investigations into a CCP members finances when they get too big for their boots. The fact remains Taiwan is strategically important and the Americans will want the status quo to remain as is. I never mentioned anything about an invasion did I? I said status quo which is basically internal politics and making sure the pro CCP camp in Taiwanese politics does not get into power. Pointless talking to someone who just makes up what you said in their own mind and runs with it.


    To be honest I wouldn't be too sure the CCP's ambitions are really as internal as you and others claim them to be. The first drop has been made on the Chagos Islands and they are still pushing the Thai's for the Kra canal.

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  8. 2 hours ago, chalawaan said:

    Nana and Cowboy were indeed bastions of tourism. Apart from the mongers, foreign couples would invariably drift through to soak in the debauchery, and often have a drink or two as well. 

    They claim tourism accounts for a fifth of GDP I think that's grossly underestimated.


    The vast majority of Thais who worked in it, or supplied it, from drivers to laundry workers, were often in the grey economy, not counted, or considered. The ripple effects of just one major hotel and its suppliers and staff and their families needs and consumption and so on, is also underestimated.


    Thailand's failure to tackle institutionalised corruption, and formalise labour relations and social security is now burning itself alive. Som nam na.

    Good effort

  9. 3 hours ago, Tanomazu said:

    And why would Taiwan be crucial to these secret Chinese world-domination plans, that only you are aware of?

    If you could quote me where I said stated that China (I said the CCP) have a secret world-domination plan, then I might reply. However, if you cannot grasp why losing Taiwan would be of great strategic loss, then I really don't feel you are worth debating with anyway. Good luck

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  10. A positive addition to the wall we must continue to build against the CCP's aggressive and illegal tactics. Just don't give China the Kra canal that they want and need and protect Taiwan at all costs. If we can keep them isolated in the South China Sea and out of Taiwan, they can't do <deleted> to the world. Taiwan will very soon be seen as the Saudi Arabia of the Far East; A country which must never lose its status quo.

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