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  1. Pigs 'may' fly KH. Albo is busy right now helping Trump write his next welcome back to the USA speech for ZalenskiI!!
  2. "Cick it under the carpet Carli." So long...wooosho! lol
  3. Yep... NFI..Carly? . Resettled, rings a bell doesnt it, Redfern v Tasmania,. Follow the path of the cattle stations and their killing trail, cattle empires built on sites of massacres, from southern Tasmania to the gulf of Carpentaria. Kidman, Sir Sidney no less.🥺.
  4. No rent was ever paid by Kidman &Co.,.Kings in Grass Castles, read up, learn some home truth, ask the Marilynga desert dweller,or the original Woomera, (now Roxby Downs) mine folk if whitey is all paid up!! NFI Carli!
  5. Really sad news that, 5yrs ago? I think the years have 'wooshed' you by! Tribes is correct tho,first tribes of the Nation.
  6. 'First Nations' really the one term.
  7. Yes but tell us avid Impulse followers about the Ozzie state PM!!
  8. What ya mean We?.. whitey!
  9. State PM?? get something right.lol
  10. Nice.Albo n abo, blackfella whitefella! 🙏
  11. Australian state PM?? Dicky.knee OP I reckon, source of course not given!
  12. Kickin Chicken Pratumnak, Yankee style, superfresh,eg 5 honey wings 100bht,great full plus thai menu, 🤩.
  13. You, too many dumb replies to multiple posts after 20 minutes,cred minus.. zero. good.bye! lol 😭
  14. See.next posting KH, from Los Lobo, cheers
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