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  1. BS story, I just returned from Perth, 3mths wait for specialists, and.that is for my family outer southern Perth locals.(MedicarePrivate)
  2. He is but its stashed under his mops and magic carpet!
  3. Not doable on 20kmonth, 40k barely gets u by!
  4. Its done on.return via a.dr visit and/or c/link visit.No drama.
  5. 20k month is less than half the OAP, Why dont you qualify, or whats the reasoning GG??
  6. Derr, the reason is my post(see above) you replied to! Straw man mushrooms,😭 geez.get a life
  7. As LordG just posted... old thread, old nonevent, same old inaccuratedribbled responses. Loser again, guess you can skip the boxing lessons😭
  8. Outside your window, oops.basement, Slimmey Sydney Hospital BB.GG!!
  9. All.must go to the pier for the boatsnowadays, no off the beach transfers.
  10. Try austrayya BB, look out your window!
  11. Premise! sounds promising ominous even, bs tho and u know it! As to your long bow jump to Nitewish, take a deep breath, go visit his Muay T school, learn to be a great loser!
  12. Defence Science Board, not likely. but Snap me back cissy! 😭
  13. Bogans sautee it seems, I dob em in butter and fry on hotplate, altho themushrooms here are crap, seems to help.
  14. Quality '$hit5'on quantity sherlock, in your case thats so pertinent. Been out of the squalid room lately, try an hour long neck rub! 😭

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