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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. Most of the amputees I knew were pushovers really!
  2. Great Richard, so good to get the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the.... etc,etc. Now we know exactly how the OP feels about the heat!
  3. See your run in with the murdering thugish, brutal man on your scoot still pissing you. Hope your on the mend tho and back to normal soon.!
  4. Bar manners long gone in Oz now too, could leave your stool, cash,fags drink etc, no one would dream come close. Unheard of nowadays I reckon!
  5. Crikey GG, I know your getting ready to retire but if you think lawnbowls in Oz is no more, youve left it too late!!
  6. Lots of ambos to chase where I live, not into old red firetrucks!
  7. Can you add facebook Links or similar to this thread perhaps, ditto know a couple of potential.Thanks
  8. Go visit Skips swamp,the return leg is not required!
  9. Always use AirAsia, always book via Expedia, AApartner of some sort apparently, smooth!
  10. Sydney Morning Herald has the story too? , I dont believe it!
  11. That mindset is why you will never get a buyer for your swamp... lol !!
  12. Try reading the attached HH news, before you.sell your swamp you gotta do your homework Skip!
  13. He,s grieving for the moment, just got some bad news, a dear friend fell down a drain!
  14. Funny? thats so insensitive of you to think that, seriously give your sick inquisition a break! Morbid much!!
  15. Ditto, dead or alive, takes money to bring the boys home as noted several times in this thread, way back before you woke up and posted your fake concern Sambo old son!
  16. Did you know the deceased, sorry for your loss!
  17. Guess its my take on it Ozzie, free cuntry u know!
  18. Specially deadly for AN readers tho, suprising there,s no 'formal travel advisory for members'pinned prior to Log in!!
  19. Did his dead body just vanish then, Sherlock? Maybe magic carpet transported /whisked him and tinkerbell home to UK.
  20. Just noticed reported happened March 18th, probably go fund me appeal on now!
  21. Think your right, sarcasm or not, brain drain tho certainly involved!
  22. ABC still present all games, I have on cable in condo, 3BB, but its ABC international program, part of the full weekly news current affairs entertainment program. Photo watching news as of now.
  23. Where does the viral aspect appear in the quoted article? Webfact fact?
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