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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. Why didnt you say that the first time!!!! waaaaaa., 🥺
  2. GG didnt see anyone, he needs to mount his magiccarpet ride and jrrk off back to Slimey Sidney, seems the patts hol is "just.a.furkkin nightmare"!! lol ggboy, catch up when I really truly visit oz! You wizard you.
  3. Which came first, the chicken legs or the egg??
  4. Unreal comment, maybe taxi mafia or whats your theory? Panic is what happens to those that cant read red flags,, sheez!
  5. Stoney moved to fukket, so go figure!
  6. It was sawdust anyway, who cares! lol
  7. Can anyone here suggest good school for thai ladies with minimal english skills to learn spoken and written English, prefer central or Jomtiem. Not fulltime as both working daytimes. Many thanks!
  8. Been confined to the bighouse more likely, the chance to converse with adults must be a treat for you! Off you go now, times up, that bell is such a sweet sound.😭
  9. Crikey, 4 week think time, sharp tool this! Woosh as they say when the slap goes thru to Rodney! Your so outadate KH, lol!
  10. Olmate

    Damn busses

    Great saying that, nought to do with squatting in a public place, even temples are ideal as the WC.
  11. Olmate

    Damn busses

    Never had a Chinese shove past at the checkout.lol. You must not be in Thailandthen, always did wonder about your credibility, comments on every thread, always way off in reality!
  12. Olmate

    Damn busses

    Then you could possibly spot one or two of them take a leak or a dump on the footpath.Maybe even shove their way in front of you buying that beer. Skanks, your taste is up <deleted> creek.
  13. Slapper still holding his hot chang after the drive tells me he,s a typical pommy 2week lowlife.shame the young driver had no backup.
  14. Tell the truth GG, your living at the Swampy, entry denied🥺
  15. He can send you an explanatory on Senate note paper!!
  16. Or you may have just crawled out from under your rock!
  17. 'Your friend' aka you, is/are a very 'unread' aka **** person!!
  18. Re the cleaning cash.Whole lot easier to become Chinese and visit Sydney Crown casino with suitcases stuffed with cash, no questions asked!
  19. Know now, or now know, thats the Q.!
  20. Good holiday option for thai ladies too!
  21. These are banned in Australia, "knob hats" is the official name, pretty well sums up the wearer too!!
  22. Almost credible! In Oz they wear hats with netting too, but thats to keep the flies off ya! Hence the saying.. "no flies on" me!!
  23. Mad dog and English too, Pity you, nah not a chance, just another bull$hitta.
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