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Posts posted by rvaviator

  1. 14 minutes ago, Diddl said:

    'It's not over until there is no virus anywhere in the world': WHO

    It will never ever stop as long as bio-warfare laboratories and unethical scientists exist, and as long as scientists create viruses such as COVID-19 and patent them so that they can make billions and trillions from so-called remedies such as vaccines and drugs.


    If you look into medical history, you will find that diseases have skyrocketed since the inception of allopathic medicine, and this is because it is not about curing you but about suppressing symptoms and making billions of dollars by you having to renew your prescriptions until you finally die.


    So-called healthcare is a trillion dollar industry so why would they want to cure you! It was created by the Rockefellers so that should tell you much. Also, look into the corruption of the WHO, the CDC, the FDA, and all their associates – it is revealing what you will find. Look into Bill Gates who was the second highest donor to the WHO after the US, and his speeches where he incessantly says that he will use vaccines to reduce the world population, and have you seen the damage he has already done – and don't forget, his father and grandfather were both genocidists who wanted to cull the population also.


    Need I say more? It will NEVER end as long as there is profit in it! Time to wake up to the truth of these organisations.


    So what is your suggestion then ?


    Go back to medieval medicine when live expectancy was so much higher than now?


    The big killer out there is not the medical or pharmaceutical industry - Its people themselves who want a 'fix' for unhealthy living.



    • Like 1
  2. On 6/2/2020 at 5:35 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    If they take Taiwan without any western response, IMO the Chinese communists will know the way is clear to take over the rest of SEA. Not immediately, but one by one. The Chinese have always played a long game.

    America and it's allies went into Vietnam to stop it happening in the 60s, but gave up too easily. IMO China has just been waiting for another opportunity, and may think that time has come.

    I think smart people have learned that military power and aggression does not gain ultimate riches long therm.   Better to win by economy and wealth.... Play the long game. Have a strategy, make sure that 'most of your own population is happy (80% to 90% - High 90% is best').  Now if you can manage that without the western 'overhead' of democracy as we understand it in the west ...  Well then I think you will 'win' in the end .....  ???? 

    • Like 1
  3. 14 hours ago, Logosone said:

    Mayor Bill de Blasio said Sunday morning that the members of the anarchist movement plan together online and that "they have explicit rules, and we're going to make all this information available today and in the days ahead."


    New York's top terrorism official says there's evidence that members of anarchist groups from outside the city intentionally planned to incite violence at protests calling for justice in the death of George Floyd.


    Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence and Counterterrorism John Miller said there is a high level of confidence within the NYPD that these unnamed groups had organized scouts, medics, and supply routes of rocks, bottles and accelerants for breakaway groups to commit vandalism and violence. There are strong indicators they planned for violence in advance using at times encrypted communications, he said.





    Why does he not name the group?  I understand that you interpret what he is saying as this Antifa group ...


    Why do you think he does not name them?  I am curious ...

    • Like 1
  4. I think the local authorities got this all wrong ....


    Penang turned George Town into a world heritage site .... Great success.


    That is what they should do with Walking street .. When was the highlight years ?  Fix the broken street and pavement .. but revert everything back to what it was in the highlight year .....


    Then apply for 'World Heritage Status' .... ???? ....  I am willing to bet it will be a great success!  The last thing 'we' need is more modern glass and neon lights ....

  5. So does that imply you have given up on leaving this beautiful place and return to some far flung part of the Great Us of A and live as a hermit ? ????


    Since our bodies are 70% liquid (from memory) and the moon is influencing the high and low tide .. May its pulling on all liquid in both man and woman .... ??  So maybe we are all influenced by the moon in one form or another ??

    • Haha 1
  6. On 5/29/2020 at 8:45 PM, Pilotman said:

    I hope that you are wrong, but maybe.  a good part of my pension income comes from Taiwan so i have a vested interest in that country.  

    Well I think you can kiss your investment goodby after a nuclear attach on China ... ????    Can you really see any American our European politician  saying  ... Yes lets go to all our war with China over Taiwan.  Now people a sweating over people dying of C19 .. How many will die after ICBM start flying ....


    Better start investing in deep deep Cole mines then ... Think Dr Strangelove  



    • Confused 2
  7. Actually I can see the logic in this - I think it must be in the language ... 


    When I want to drive faster .. I press the accelerator pedal .. if I not go faster then the accelerator pedal is faulty - When I want to stop .... I press the brake pedal .. if I not stop .. the brake pedal must be faulty.  Its that simple!  


    I have seen the light !!

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    • Haha 1
  8. On 5/27/2020 at 10:42 AM, Chomper Higgot said:

    Trump’s response has been to declare Twitter’s action an attack on free speech and he goes on to say, ‘I, as President, will not let it happen’.


    He seems not to understand Twitter is a private business, their platform is not a ‘public space’.


    He also exposes he has little understanding of the limits of Presidential powers.


    The root cause of his anger, somebody has the impertinence to challenge his lies.



    Is that not what would happen in a banana republic if the 'great leader' does not like what he hears from his populous ?  Shut them down ....


    Maybe a good idea after all that the Americans are armed to the teeth, ready to fight any nut job that may enter the white house and remove free speech and liberty for all ....


    Unless all the guys and girls with all the guns agree with the 'nut job' in charge ...  ????.


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