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Posts posted by rvaviator

  1. 4 hours ago, andy72 said:

    At the cost of the items and using a conveyance white car


    she is obviously needing a few happy pills

    this aint the crime of the century more a desperate cry for help 

    cmon look at that animal print dress when she was wearing to commit the crime


    can a leopard change its spots.

    and the colur of that purse

    om my gawd 

    and cmon 100 baht sunglasses she must need her eyes tested 



    Could very well be .... It just does not make any sense at all ...... 



  2. 2 hours ago, Antiparovian said:

    Maybe I'm stupid falang but does height of room not enter the equation? i.e. measure room on metres cubed not squared?


    Sure the height matter - But for most people the height is pretty standard (i.e. the same) in most houses .. so people tend to just talk m^2 not m^3


    Make sure you have a minimum of 100mm insulation in the ceiling - Easy and not to expensive to put in place - even on a suspended type ceiling.  Get the type packed in 'silver foil' Easy to roll out.  12000 BTU should not be a problem

  3. 11 minutes ago, EricTh said:


    Thailand shut down all the schools and cancelled the flights too even though the daily cases are almost zero for the past few weeks. 


    Thailand must be covering up too judging by your opinion?


    Anyway, I haven't verified whether what you said is true because there's lots of fake news on the internet.


    It is correct that schools are canceled - I would not use the word 'cover up'.  (not sure what it is to cover up as far as this event is concerned) ... Now back to level 2  (same as it was before 6 June). Temp test and masks are required - But no lock down, apart from the local sectors that has been identified as positive.


    If you want to leave Beijing you need to go to a fever clinic and test - if negative you can leave.


    Not sure about flight - Inbound for non Chinese has been a no no for a long time.


    Now the activity is tracing and testing + cleaning.

  4. On 6/15/2020 at 6:33 PM, doctormann said:

    It might actually be better to believe in God, according to Blaise Pascal anyway.


    Pascal's Wager (or Pascal's Gambit) is the name for an idea that Blaise Pascal had. He said that it is not possible to prove or disprove that God exists. Therefore, it is better to bet that God exists. If God existed, and the person believed in God, he would be rewarded (with happiness forever); if the person did not believe, he would be punished (with what is called eternal damnation). If God did not exist it would make no difference. For this reason, it would be better to believe in God, Pascal said. Indeed, Pascal strongly believed in this ideal.

    A colleague at work subscribed to that theory .. He said it was like 'life insurance' ... If true its great .. if not .. well it doesn't matter  ????.

  5. 6 minutes ago, mr336 said:

    I've only lived in Thailand for 4 months but. . .I haven't felt the warm n fuzzies here that everyone back home raves or raved about. But I could just be paranoid. Are us Farangs that bad or has it been the government propaganda shaping the attitudes? Just tryin to figure it out!

    Well it sounds like you arrived at the worst possible time !!! ????

  6. 55 minutes ago, Keesters said:

    He's learnt his lesson but should be jailed long time so others can learn too. 

    Well if it was his little brother that shot him - Throwing his father in jail may / will cause more trauma for the brother who has to live with knowing that  he shot his brother - and causing his father to be locked up ...


    The damage has been done ... Who will benefit from locking up the father ?


    What 'other people' will learn from this ?


  7. 17 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:

    you're not wrong, here.  problem is we're dealing with an anti-intellectual narcissist.  he truly does believe he knows more better and gooder than anyone else.  he believes he can do no worng.


    no matter what bat****-crazy stuff he spouts, he believes it at the time, so technically they aren't lies. 

    Very true ........ So in his mind he does not 'lie'.


    To me its just like all the accidents here - reported as break failure ... Which I also 'think' is absolutely 'true'. 


    Brakes are for stopping a vehicle.. So irrelevant how I drive. I believe that the brakes will stop the vehicle - when they do not (because I was driving at 130kph in the rain). Clearly the brakes failed to stop me ... when I applied the brakes. Hence my brakes failed ????. Its Trump logic ... He does not lie. If he believe he will do all the thing he say he will do .....




  8. 9 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Once again you are making crazy comments, there is a reason to complain, woman said words to security man, i hate farang.

    When on any of my posts have i implied i was looking for sympathy?

    Just think yourself extremely fortunate, you have not got to live with problems like mine.

    Hmmm So if she said to the security guy 'I hate farang'  ... I would wonder why ? .. Maybe she has been dumped by a farang .. got a child etc .... or some other sad story .....


    Next time .. maybe someone can ask her why she hate farang so much?


    If you really want to throw her off balance .... Next time .. give her a small gift and say with a big smile ... 'I am sorry my presence here upset you last time' ....  Then she will have no idea how to handle it ???? ...


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  9. 5 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    Who made the aliens? Did they come from the explosion also, where everything came from nothing, that the earth is exactly the distance from the sun so life can survive, with the added water and food we all need to live being here? I still believe in the lie, as do billions of others.

    Who made the aliens ?  That clearly was Gods work ...  Hmmmm Who made God ?


    What is the difference ? (no need to reply) .. As I see it .. if your faith makes you happy then all good for you ... as long as 'you' do not try and push your faith onto me  .....


    We should all respect each other ... one day we will all find out ???? ...

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  10. 7 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

    Add another to your list of believers, and I've struggled all my life wanting answers to questions, but I've never lost my faith, and won't no matter what happens, because I know in my heart there is something better waiting for us after this short life, one that includes pain, loss, sorrow and misery, but also has included love, fun ,and family.

    What you say makes me think of a saying that I like .... 'Its the hope of dying that keeps me alive'  ...



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