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Posts posted by rvaviator

  1. On 6/22/2020 at 1:33 PM, PerkinsCuthbert said:

    Why would the Thai government be interested in such an insignificant cohort when local tax collection on earnings would be almost impossible?

    That is true .. but a DM would still need to eat .. live and maybe have a 'wellness massage now and then'.


    That would contribute to the economy .... Having the DM in another country would not ...


    Also true that Boiler rooms and other scams .. could be a real problem ... for for every problem .. the is always a solution ...


    As DM generally are well paid .. Just charge them 10K THB for every month of the visa .. 120K for a 12 month multi entry visa ... ? Small change for a DM to pay for living in the land of milk and 'honey'

  2. 1 hour ago, Oldie said:

    Sure. But there are others too who try to survive committing crimes. Often they are not used to care much about laws. They didn't have them in their home countries. Or they didn't care there already. Often they have nothing and so don't have much to lose. 

    Sure that happens sometime .. But plenty of people in prison that are 100% 'local' ... I think someone who paid a lot of money to be shipped in a container 1/2 way across the world ... They 'generally' are not the first to commit crime if they make it out of the container alive.

  3. 2 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

    The general consensus on TVF seems to be to kick all foreigners out of their home Country , but retired felangs should be allowed to stay in Thailand visa free for as long as they like

    Well ... I have absolutely no problem with any illegal immigrants in my  'western' super rich birth country. As long as they do not hurt anyone.  They generally take all the <deleted>ty jobs that none wants and work very hard.  

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Pattaya46 said:


    Less than 200 cases in 10 days in Beijing...  (USA ~25'000 cases yesterday only!)

    in a city of 20+ millions people...

    in a country of ~1'400'000'000 people...

    A lot of noise for very few cases well controlled... IMHO.

    Let me also add that ... Anyone who are in Beijing and wants to leave (air / train / bus / car) - Need to have taken a C-19 test.  And must be 'green' on the health app - at the time of departure. The health app will turn yellow / red if you get close to the 'lock down location' .....


    Just saying  .....

    • Like 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, riclag said:

    There's a lot to be learned by some skeptics, as to  why  Thailand  continues to restrict  people's activity and freedoms  in this country for only sixty deaths ! Very puzzling imop 

    Makes you wonder if what was going on in the streets and the Universities  just before this all happened has something do do with it ..... But what do I know .....

    • Like 2
  6. 17 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    My GF loves to cook for everyone. We'd have to charge you 100 baht per dish. Her repertoire is quite reasonable - what you see plus kaow pat goong, pad siew gai, bamboo chili. I've passed on the roasted frogs and fried crickets. She'd be rapt if you came up with 500 baht per dinner, probably trade me in for you.

    555555  okok ... I pass on the crickets, had enough of frogs when living in France.


    Food looks great ???? ..... I let you know if I ever make it out from 'behind the great wall'.

  7. 22 hours ago, rumak said:

    I am having the sign printed in Bkk .   Do you think neon lights around a yin/yang  styled sign would

    bring in more suckers customers?        Dr. Rumak :  fat loss, life style, sexual awareness (open to ladies only),  and pop-up ads mind over matter hypnosis.    Discounts to those wronged by thai princesses ( bring proof of expenditures) .   

    For a small fee I can provide a glowing reference ... How Dr. Rumak completely changed my life ....  I found your YouTube channel , DVD box set, Your 10 step easy to follow program SOOOOO life enhancing and inspiring - It completely 'blew my mind' !



  8. 2 minutes ago, rumak said:

      I  agree with the post above except for the counseling part.  Unless its self counseling or the person can not figure the simple formula to good health out for themselves.

    Counselor :  " look, your diet and lifestyle have made your body into the mess it is today. "

    Client :   " Yes i know,  but ..................."

    Remember that counselors need to make a living as well ... ???? ... Fat loss counselors. Life style gurus, body stylist, wellness experts,.. bla bla ... $$$$ per hour ...


  9. 9 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

    what percent of obesity cases are the result of lifestyle choices?


    I suppose an answer could be---How many fat people did you see in the film reels of them liberating the German Concentration camps.

    I don't mean to be trite about the subject, I struggle a bit with weight problems , as I get older & also when all the gyms shut down. But it does IMO come down to Calories in= Calories (burned) out.

    Ah .... I was just thinking the same thing .... Arbeit Macht ........  No fat people there ...


    Also look at the health problems during that time in general .. completely different to the health problems now ......


    Completely agree with you .... Sure some people store fat easier than others .. but ultimately its down the energy balance.


    Obviously nutrition is a different issue .. I think very often today the two things are mixed together ... 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    Why not just force all fatties to run on a treadmill for an hour every day?

    Build a cage around it, lock on the door, start it moving.

    The ultimate nanny state.


    'It's for your own good'

    Put them in a dark room - Have the treadmill hooked up to the generator - that powers the light and the TV ... That will keep them going ...


    Stay slim ?  Simple .. very simple -


    Energy inn < Energy out  = Slim

    Energy inn > Energy out = Fat


    You can eat tons of healthy food and still get fat ...... Sure eating more healthy is better than not eating healthy food.... Physical activity is good for your body ... even if you are fat ...


    But ultimatum  this is the key


    Energy inn < Energy out  = Slim

    Energy inn > Energy out = Fat


    How something so simple can be turned into a multi billion industry is incredible. ????


    • Like 2
  11. On 6/19/2020 at 6:19 PM, bkk6060 said:


    Geez, how long have you been in Thailand?  You fell for the old: you only customer today trick?


      Sure.  Why did you fall for it and not speak up?  All she needs is 2 victims like you each day and she has paid her rent for the month.



    That may be the case .. but not much to live on .... and that would entail working 7 days a week ... I say she would need 3 or 4 per day to pay the rent and to make a living ...


    Moving to a lower cost location would certainly help ...

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