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Posts posted by rvaviator

  1. 8 hours ago, Miami007 said:

    The online stores also source from China LOL.. 

    The western economy is built on consumer demand and people buying new items before they really need to (e.g. how many people replace their iPhone every 2 years although the old one is perfectly fine).  At the moment many people would not be able to afford higher retail prices, if they want to maintain the current life-style

    Ultimately people have to decide what they value in life ... ????

  2. 8 hours ago, Miami007 said:

    good luck waiting for companies to move their factories from China / HK to the USA.  They may move to Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand or Mexico and other LatAm countries before they set up in the USA where wages are higher and they have to pay benefits.  Central/ South America may be the regions to benefit most as they are closer to the USA and America will have an easier time pushing their weight around.  

    Nobody really believes that USA will risk a confrontation over HK, do they?

    HK and Taiwan ..... Lets not forget them ???? .   

  3. 5 hours ago, bodga said:

    Ok so I'm English have  lived in China for 10  years,  hold a  UK and Italian   passport have never left China in all that  time and  will fly in, whattcha  gonna do Thailand?

    PS  all untrue but what if?


    Good question ... I hold a passport from one of the Scandinavian countries  - working in Beijing  for almost a year. Never left Beijing since December last year. 

  4. 10 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Different culture. We were raised that charity should be done with an emphasis on preserving the recipient's dignity and privacy. We gave not for fame or recognition: We gave because it was the right thing to do.

    Hmmmmm  We all give for different social reasons. I do not think its right to say that the so called 'western' way is better / more worthy than what we see more of in Asia with more public display of giving.


    Just think about celebrity charity giving in the west - Pay a huge ticket to have a dinner with some 'important celebrity' for raising money for a 'children hospital'.   Is that not just another form of 'giving to feel good' .. to be seen to be good .....


  5. 1 minute ago, saakura said:

    Do countries like Phillipines, Singapore, Nigeria, Cameroon, India have Native English teachers? The well educated from these countries speak and teach better english than some backpackers, scousers and plumbers from English speaking countries, though their pronounciation may be different. 

    What is the official language of the countries you mention ?  Any historical or 'cultural' links to England ??  (except for Cameroon ???? ) ...    How does that compare to Thailand ??

    • Sad 1
  6. I wonder what the R value is - Need to change a car port style roof as its has no insulation and gets super hot when the sun is hitting it full on for hours.


    Thanks for the price info - probably per m^2 .. or whatever  is the highest unit cost

  7. 20 hours ago, Estrada said:

    The United States industrial revolution was also founded on copying and stealing mainly British and European inventions that were also subject to Patent and/or copyright. Now the U.S. are complaining about China. The latest is the N95 facemask which was copied from the facemack invented by the Chinese Manchurian Army. U.S. companies have copied inventions of my own and other European Companies and even managed to get U.S. Patents on the copied products.

    This reminds me of a old John Wayne film – Set in Texas during the fights with the Mexicans. One Mexican General is saying to John … “You have taken our land from us” … John replies something like … “This is not your land. You took it from the Indians and now we are taking it from you” ….. 

    its all ‘same same’ … ????

  8. 1 hour ago, Matzzon said:

    I would say the difference is that vitamin D falls under vitamins and minerals that people with no health issues can help themself with. Comparing that with diabetes and hypertension is not possible.

    True to some extent.  But poor diet and lack of exercise = Increased risk of hypertension and type 2 diabetes ...   So we do have  way to influence our health and try to stack the odds in our favor for survival ....

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