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Everything posted by Cabradelmar

  1. Of course it's a conflict... the PM made his fortune on real estate development. His only ideas are geared to reinvigorate that market. Largely because it's the ONLY thing he understands (otherwise, he's the worst political leader THA has had in decades, maybe ever). If he really wants to get hit with conflict charges, reshuffle the TRD (and sack that nutter who wants a worldwide tax scheme), and revert the tax laws that changed 1-Jan that are now holding the market back... why not, in for a penny, in for a pound.
  2. Gangsters fighting over proceeds from criminal enterprises...
  3. Thai immigration police/RTP couldn't catch a cold if it weren't for tip-offs.
  4. THA public edu is a joke. Anyone can already drop out at the age of 15 (after grade 9). What this country needs is more education, not less. Better teachers, better textbooks, better facilities, and better methods (rote learning is of little value)
  5. If this indeed leads to deportation than there isn't anything else one needs to know... Foreign acts the fool, Thai loses their mind, police toss the fool 🥱
  6. Taunting his way right out of the country... Stupid is as stupid does.
  7. The PM is a simpleton. Inept in every way. Makes Prayut look like a genius
  8. if you think that early announcement by the women from TRD re: announcing the plan to tax tax residents worldwide income was meaningless... It wasn't. She just opened her mouth before she should have. She needed to wait until the condo sales market turned positive.
  9. 99 year lease 😂 make it a 1000... it's still a steal for Thais... Let you build whatever complex you dream up, and then the building reverts back to Thai owners when you die. Most people won't even outlive a 30 year lease, as it is.
  10. Strange he would risk traveling to the UK now after almost 30 years successfully hiding out in the LoS... my guess he was evading an inevitable arrest/charges in THA for similar crimes, or he's terminally ill and will be dead soon anyways.
  11. It's a trap... Get more foreign buyers into the country and raise property taxes and tax their worldwide income... Don't think their not thinking about it. Enjoy your 75% Russian, Indian and Chinese owned buildings. Oh the smells, late night arguments and crying babies. Joy.
  12. They need to address stalled sales, and the oversupply of new condos, so developers can keep building, and then once they lure more foreign buyers in they can change the income tax rules again, and/or jack up property taxes.
  13. I remember the initial report... and still no update on the attacker... me thinks he already fled to Germany. They still (if possible) need to track down the animal who did this.
  14. Propaganda... Thailand trying too hard to convince people/investors (and themselves) that it's not a failing economy (government and educational system), and an increasingly diluted cultural experience.
  15. Well, let be honest... It's its old skin that has made it the destination it is today (#chithole). The only hope is to keep forcing all the trash ("quality tourist") into as limited an area an possible. Phuket and Pattaya are already insufferable. Don't let what happen their ruin the result of the country 🙏
  16. Within 18 months of any opening, there will be so many Thais bankrupt and/or in-debt to family or loan sharks that the outcry to close them will be deafening. Alcohol, ganja, gambling and prostitution... queue the quality tourist 🤣
  17. who knows... pushy LB (hardly an excuse to throw hands), dispute over services, homophobic foreigner... regardless, I place the blame on the person with no self control, who leans into violence because they are inconvenienced or uncomfortable. And whom ever fits that description, is the true lowlife and real the problem.
  18. I really was expecting to read about gold necklaces and ladyboys... this is a bit more discouraging, really... getting rolled (for an iphone and $50) is wrong place/wrong time. But it's really the type of crime Thailand had better address, else no one feels safe.
  19. When you target certain markets you get certain (not unexpected) results. Nothing really new here. What's more surprising is Thailand authorities (claim) to be continually surprised by things that the casual observer sees so very clearly. If Thailand it not careful they are going to eventually kill the goose that laid the golden egg (tourism) by making this the preferred destination for refugees, and the shiftless. It's already happening (or should I say accelerating).
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