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Everything posted by Cabradelmar

  1. How about cracking down on all criminals... Is that really too much to ask... Nevermind ๐Ÿ˜‚
  2. Different. That was insurance tourist had to get to get their COE to be allowed to enter. This new scheme covers anyone injured (without insurance) or killed, though a nominal tourist tax on all tourists (regardless of who you are or if you already pay for your own insurance already).
  3. I'd rather the scheme pay for basis emergency medical treatment for the uninsured, if needed (there were only 400 cases of tourist injury, of all kinds, last year, but no mention of how many of those where uninsured - my guess most where insured) vs compensating tourist for their death (of which there where 185 tourist deaths last year). And the only reason I say that is so that hospitals will be less likely to turn people away - like they did to the man from Taiwan who later died as a result. If this gets the greedy Thai medical establishment to at least know they will get paid for rendering services, then people will be less likely to needlessly die due to hospital greed. Unfortunately, my guess is if tourist know they're covered for emergency medical they will do more stupid stuff. But then you can't fix all stupid.
  4. What next... More people evading taxes ๐Ÿ˜‚ just like 80% of Thais. Al least until TRD and immigration link your visa extension and renewals to tax filings, and then everyone stops sending money and/or stops long staying in THA.
  5. With plenty left over to line enough pockets to please any Thai.
  6. Wow. A give back to the millions of tourist that keep this economy afloat. But at what cost to whom? Because there is no such thing as a free lunch.
  7. Hitting back at all the cheap Chinese goods flooding Thailand and being sold on lazada. Problem is they are not hitting at China, but at their own people. Thailand again has lost the plot. Well, at least their Chinese overlords will be unharmed ๐Ÿ™„
  8. Tough guy with the fu manchu facial thinks it's ok to attack another person because he's inconvenienced #dunce
  9. It's a fallacy that underground gambling will diminish as a result of legal gambling. Truth is illegal gambling operations will simply continue to thrive (even expand) alongside legal gambling, because as with everything in Thailand, regulations will be lax and enforcement insufficient.
  10. Yeah, you lost me at fish entrails ๐Ÿ˜‚ that's a hard no.
  11. It's always a risk working without a work permit. Plain and simple. Just takes one disgruntled Thai to spoil your gig. Sadly, nothing ever seems to happen to the Thai businesses that willing hire foreigners without the correct permits. And the beat goes on... #sellerbeware
  12. Thais pay dowry to Thais all the time. Nothing unusual. In Isaan and Bangkok. In Isaan, the amounts are typically small 50,000 up to 200,000 baht (the higher-end if it's the woman's first marriage, educated and has no kids; and the husband has means). The foreigner paying 500,000 baht and up (I've heard some paying up to 1 million baht) for a divorced woman with kids are the fools. End of the day, it's all a negotiation and part of Thai culture.
  13. Ganja has been and will always be everywhere (in Thailand; and increasingly just about everywhere else in the world)... The fact there are now dispensaries in THA just makes cannabis an easy target for anyone with a complaint about anything - regardless of causation ("blame it on the weed" syndrome).
  14. The only bad results yielded where when the PM was elected...
  15. Wtf is wrong with people who come to Thailand ๐Ÿ˜‚ it's an incredibly deep pool of fools...
  16. And you know what... Nothing will happen to them, and they will be let off to perpetrate more crimes... When will Thailand ever learn. Theft, burglary, larceny... just as bad as assault, and should all be automatically deportable offenses.
  17. The only other things more certain than death and taxes is increasing cost and prices (fees).
  18. A regulated mandate on foreigners to wear mask... Lol. NEVER gonna happen (sans an actual declaration of pandemic). Not if Thailand has any interest in luring the mythical 40-50 million tourist every year, that they keep droning on about...
  19. Potty-ya, world-class... stop it! Lol. World class chit hole is more like it.
  20. The only threat to THA is a hi-so boomer of chinese descent pretending he knows how to govern a nation #donkey
  21. A singular Israeli soldier looking for a friend as the entire world of nations turns against his country. Crimes begetting more crimes. And no winners. It's fascinating how Israel believes they can kill an ideology (Hamas' ideology) with bullets... you can't. There will always be someone else to fill the breach.
  22. Assault a pregnant woman... 500 baht... assault police and I think it might "cost" a bit more... hopefully his Thai visitation privileges, and I one-way back to Putin's place.
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