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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. The money was wasted, the rail will never operate, in my book wasting 25 mil is fraud waste and abuse.
  2. There was talk about it before. Stay on the main road to Utapao, almost to the end of road just before the pier the station is on the right.
  3. This station (Utapao airport) has been finsihed for years now, wonder when it will commence the run to Bangkok Airports.
  4. https://hsr.ca.gov/2022/08/11/news-release-25-million-in-federal-funding-awarded-to-advance-high-speed-rail-in-california/ The train to nowhere.
  5. That's more than the OP's page, all's I know is i would do my best not to send my kid to public school in the US these days.
  6. Funny thing is this is just to get people talking crap on Christian Schools. If you actually read the OP there's only a few schools teaching this lesson and some homeschooling. To me a Christian school is simply a private school where the parents care enough about their kid's education to pay. But, some folks are so fanatically against religion that they see Christian Schools as evil. Not to say all Christian Schools are good.
  7. What are you getting on about. Far superior to me means greater understanding of math, science and language. In the 90's climate change wasn't taught anywhere.
  8. Absolutely, they had an iron fist over the OT until the end of the fiscal and they were throwing the OT at guys, unlimited sometimes.
  9. Years back I sent my kid to a Christian school for 9 yrs, now I'm not very religious but saw nothing wrong in learning some bible versus and having a good code of conduct for the kids. His education was far superior to the public school system.
  10. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/bidens-irs-plans-crack-down-waiters-tips Anyone who thinks the IRS are only after the ultra rich are sadly naive.
  11. The fed gov doesn't know about budgeting. I worked for the DOD for years, the level of unnecessary spending was laughable. 100's of guys sitting around waiting for job assignment, sometimes for months while being given hotel rooms and per diem plus salary. At the same time the guys waiting for relief were sometimes months overdue and being paid overdue money. This is just one tiny example of waste, now multipy that times 1000's of other examples.
  12. Exactly as said above. Our amphur office was familiar with the form. When I took my 10 yr old overseas nobody asked for anything. Going again this year but I'll bypass the official letter and just take her moms passport and ID photo copy with me.
  13. Sure seems like it's all theatrics from both sides. If I had run my personal finances the same way the gov runs theirs I'd be a homeless bum in my retirement years.
  14. When I graduated from school it never occured to me to wear a flag from the old country where I was born.
  15. What liz C, that's your answer? you don't really know. But hey, good ole name calling is the dem playbook.
  16. I asked the kid and she says it talk about improvement money.
  17. I'm thinking it's 2 separate beaches near one another with similiar names. Both run by Navy
  18. I don't have a yellow book, have a Thai DL. I show the DL at other parks like water parks and such. And, I'm not willing to ruin the fun day at the beach by having the ole lady do the talking for me.
  19. I'm confused, I know I've been going to this beach for a few years now, it was closed during Covid.
  20. Funny but I asked in earnest. Because it seems if you're not in the biden camp you're accused of being every ist and phobe known to man.
  21. What's the difference between a conservative and a MAGA republican? Asking for a friend.
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