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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. So, answer why NYC doesn't want all the "legal" south of the border peoples if as stated before that they are an economic boost to the economy.
  2. If it's such an economic boost having illegals, why is the NYC major so angry about the illegals being bused to his city. According to you there's zero impact of having cities flooded with illegals.
  3. 4 yr old video. Seems like theirs coyote helpers staging smuggler routes. How do you know this water was for illegals and not left for drug smugglers. You don't. Maybe we should leave rental car and hotel reservations as well.
  4. Maybe next time check out the link, see what Chief Ortiz has to say.
  5. "The Biden administration caused the surge, made the border less safe and is flagrantly violating the very federal laws they swore to uphold. The Biden administration is putting hard-working border patrol agents in impossible and untenable positions — risking their lives and safety, and I want to thank Chief Ortiz for testifying truthfully at his deposition," Moody said. Moody is Florida's AG https://www.foxnews.com/politics/border-patrol-chief-says-border-crisis-caused-bidens-no-consequences-policies-illegal-migrants
  6. I can't be the only one who was riding a mini bike on country roads age 10 or 11. Had a 90cc Honda age 13. Was driving our farm truck about 5 km to work age 14. Bought my first car a 56 chevy at age 15 before I had a license, my own money from working. I get these parents letting their kids ride MB's at early age. But it's the forking cel phone pandemic that caused this carnage
  7. She's probably been riding for what 5 yrs? It wasn't her riding ability, it was the phone in her hands. Old, young they are all doing it. Riding and watching phone. The kid's parents probably do the same.
  8. I don't see a problem. Clean off grease and dirt, at least sweep it first. Get the good primer and paint it, probably take 2 coats of primer before main color.
  9. It is, but it isn't. I haven't lived full time in the states in 20 yrs. Guess I'm out of touch
  10. Having a large loan at crazy high interest for the pay off of 56K/yr isn't something I'd advise either. The truck driving jobs was just an example of many good paying jobs. Dish washers and janitors were making 60K/yr in the maritime business.
  11. https://www.westernjournal.com/newest-study-debunks-myth-rich-benefit-trump-tax-cuts/ As an American making in the 150K/yr range at that time, I didn't really see much difference. My returns got simpler because I had no need to itemize deductions for work related expenses.
  12. You know I started the reply talking about kids who aren't college material and the lack of High school programs to better prepare them for a brighter future than complaining about minimum wages. And the fact that the money could be better spent addressing the needs of those individuals. How is that not inline with reality. Taking on massive college debt to secure a starting wage of 56K/yr isn't really good math. If the parents can foot the bill, fine. Kids in High school should be taught about the alternatives to college, and there are many. A truck driver makes more than a college grad. Amazing. The maritime industry pays well. https://www.ziprecruiter.com/Salaries/Company-Truck-Driver-Salary#:~:text=As of Jul 27%2C 2022%2C the average annual,This is the equivalent of %241%2C574%2Fweek or %246%2C823%2Fmonth.
  13. Must be terrible not to have one original thought. Does a college education take away your ability to have a thought of your own.
  14. The longer I live here full time the less Thai Food I eat. I should say I don't eat out period much. I enjoy dining at beach front nice Thai restaurants. Love the sea bass either steamed or fried with chilies and garlic sauce. Plus the regular Thai dishes. We do that maybe weekly. A trip to the mall we usually end up at Shabu. If I was a single guy living in patts I don't think I would do much Thai food except to the nicer places. As we get older we think more about health, and that sort of leaves out fast food to include Thai food.
  15. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/27/us/politics/trump-special-master-judge-cannon.html https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/judge-signals-support-for-special-master-to-review-some-trump-records-fbi-seized/ar-AA11aVQX AFlorida federal judge Saturday indicated she was inclined to appoint a special master to review some of the documents the FBI seized earlier this month from former President Donald Trump’s Florida home as part of a national security-related criminal investigation.
  16. As usual, biden needs others to clean up what he says. This is the very reason biden isn't allowed to speak freely. Look it up, a clear sign of cognitive decline. Come on man.
  17. I'm curious, what kind of money would you consider to be average income for non college grads? And what money is average for a college educated person? Don't give me a graph, just your opinion. College isn't for everyone. You kind of know when the kid is 15 or so whether or not they're college material. In my opinion the money would be better spent setting up programs in High School where they could learn a trade. An on OTJ training program. I know guys making 150K - 250K yr without a degree. The maritime industry is one area that is screaming for people.
  18. This (biden's) is absolutely i your face vote buying. This is not about anything before. To do this (go back to the Trump era) is deflection. Come on man.
  19. I never said that the unfairly part, please don't do that. I said their was a huge difference in how Trump was treated and how joe is. To say otherwise is disingenuous. Recently biden said he had cancer, come on man.
  20. You see you have zero defense for biden's declining cognitive decline. Also, the 41% who approve must be stone cold idiots. How is that even possible?
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