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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Perhaps you're not familiar with 401 K, to say stock market effects only the top 10% is not correct. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pandemic-rental-assistance-program-federal-government/#:~:text=While relief efforts have staved off some of,has been extended to the end of June. Biden could have addressed the things which effect Americans daily. https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/12/politics/joe-biden-inflation-explainer/index.html Instead him and his handlers chose to stage an ominous setting complete with the weird red background with joe looking crazy.
  2. Retirement funds = stock market. High rent, crime and homelessness is a thing. Immigration is a thing. It's a US thing and our president ignores it.
  3. Retirement funds dwindling as stock market takes a dive, high rent, homelessness, crime, inflation. That's what concerns Americans. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/rebeccadowns/2022/05/18/telling-poll-reveals-what-issues-americans-care-about-n2607447
  4. He should have talked about the concerns he knows Americans have. Not just bash the other party for political gain.
  5. The thing is that most biden fans here aren't Americans either. What the non Americans don't understand is that issues like illegal immigration, homelessness and crime is what effects people and biden does nothing to address this. So biden's speech did none of that. All biden did was try to scare voters into a dem box.
  6. My concern is that Top Secret papers were removed and there was no inventory system in place at the White House to keep track of them. The White House doesn't even know what's missing.
  7. Pretty funny how all you all go on about Trump. So many posts sound like little old ladies gossiping especially about his wife.
  8. Gone are the days of Utapao-UT flights. Domestic you have CM and Samui only.
  9. Slow down, my parents and siblings were processed at Ellis Is and yes they were immigrants. What can't you comprehend? You're not stalking are you?
  10. "But that's not — it's not like somebody walks over," Jean-Pierre responded. She later said "It is not that simple. It’s not just that people are walking across the border." And that is how out of touch with reality the White House is. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-yet-visit-besieged-southern-border-white-house-caught-migrant-controversy
  11. The ship will have a Pilot onboard giving course and speed recommendations. But, that doesn't relieve the Captain of being fully responsible. I'm sure there will alot of finger pointing till the investigation concludes. The bridge had a VDR (voice data recorder) to back up any claims.
  12. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=joe+rogan+gummies&docid=608041441133074823&mid=FFA810203F437E5142D9FFA810203F437E5142D9&view=detail&FORM=VIRE It's funny and informative. With edibles you don't sometimes know if you ate too much before it's too late.
  13. When I booked the tickets the seat selection was just added to the total flight price. The $200. maybe a bit more fee for exit row seat was BKK to SFO R/T both with Taipei layovers. It was a separate price for all 4 flight. Just booking regular economy seats ran like $100. per ticket for the R/T flight.
  14. Anytime a ship is transiting in such a place the secondary steering system (after steering) is supposed to be manned ready to take steering control from the bridge if loss of steering occurs.
  15. I recently bought BKK-SFO on EVA with a 2 1/2 layover in Taipei. Cost was $900. which included seat selection. I'm traveling with a minor and couldn't get the exit seats for us both. Age limit is 15. But, the cost would have been an extra $200. each person R/T for exit aisle seats. I bought tickets on EVA website for end of Sept.
  16. I think it's only fair the sanctuary cities get a taste of what the border cities are enduring. it's unrealistic to believe the US cities can absorb such a huge influx of migrants so quickly without our own citizens suffering. To include hospital care and schooling. We complain about low wages while we bring in 100's of thousands of migrants who will be competing with our own citizens for unskilled and semi skilled work. Homelessness is skyrocketing do to high rent, yet somehow we believe these migrants will magically join the work force and be self sufficient.
  17. So, you're equating the Potato Famine which killed a million people 170 yrs ago to what's happening at the border today. https://www.dailywire.com/news/migrants-from-106-countries-crossed-southern-border-in-del-rio-sector-in-2021
  18. Oh, you mean immigrants like my parents who came through Ellis Island. These folks aren't immigrants.
  19. You stated these folks were good for the economy, so what exactly is the problem in NYC and WDC? Could it be their services are being overwhelmed? And those are sanctuary cities. They actually asked for help from National Guard which was declined.
  20. Just to humor you, because we know it's been in the news for awhile. https://americanmilitarynews.com/2022/07/nyc-dc-mayors-complain-about-illegal-immigrants-bused-from-tx-az/ https://www.conservativejournalreview.com/nyc-and-dc-mayors/ https://nypost.com/2022/07/20/migrants-sent-to-nyc-amid-homeless-shelter-crisis-despite-no-ties/ https://notthebee.com/article/washington-dc-mayor-bowser-is-upset-about-all-the-illegal-immigrants-crossing-her-citys-border-on-buses-sent-by-texass-governor-abbott enjoy,
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